Are Polls Good for the Voters? And Why?

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Table des matières

  1. Are Polls Good for the Voter? And Why?

  2. Context

  3. Literature

  4. How did Price and Stroud measure attitudes towards polls?

  5. Our strategy

  6. Research design

  7. Measures - during the campaign

  8. Measures - post-election

  9. Measures - post conversion sample

  10. Real evolution of voting intentions as measured by the polls

  11. From beginning to end of campaign,

  12. From beginning to end of campaign

  13. From beginning to end of campaign

  14. From beginning to end of campaign

  15. What is the influence of polls on others?

  16. BUT did the polls influence your decision personally?

  17. Finally, are polls good for the voters?

  18. Why are polls good for the voters?

  19. Why are polls bad for the voters?

  20. Synthesis of evolution of perceptions during the campaign

  21. Predictors of polls are a bad thing

  22. Predictors of polls influenced me

  23. For example, ...

  24. If you changed your mind...

  25. Discussion

  26. Conclusion

  27. Underdog or bandwagon?

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Dernière mise à jour :
juin 16, 2008 (lundi)

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