The Polls in the 2002 French Presidential Election: An Autopsy

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Table des matières

  1. The Polls of the French Presidential Election of 2002, a Catastrophe?

  2. Context

  3. Why do polls go wrong?

  4. Why do polls go wrong? (followed)

  5. How to measure accuracy ?

  6. What happened in the first-round of the French presidential election of 2002 ?

  7. Difference between the polls published during the last week and the vote

  8. Difference between the polls published during the last week and the vote

  9. Time-series analysis of the polls published during the last month

  10. Time-series analysis of the polls published during the last month

  11. 1. Collectively, did the polls accurately forecast the vote ?

  12. What happened in the first-round of the French presidential election of 2002 ? (Followed)

  13. Pollsters - last published poll

  14. Pollsters - last published poll

  15. Pollsters - last published poll

  16. Time-series analysis of the polls published during the last month

  17. 2. Did individual pollsters forecast the vote accurately? Are some methodologies better than others?

  18. Comparing France 2002 and US 2000

  19. The methodology used in France : can it explain...

  20. The methodology used in France : can it explain...

  21. The methodology used in France : can it explain...

  22. Conclusion

  23. Latest News from France

  24. Suggestions?

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Dernière mise à jour :
mai 14, 2003 (mercredi)

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