Période 1988-1995 - Vers un deuxième référendum
Mai/juin 1995, Créatec+
Description du sondage
- Date de terrain : Du 31 mai au 14 juin 1995
- Firme ayant réalisé le sondage : Créatec+
- Chercheur :
- Commanditaire : Parti Libéral du Québec
- Libellé de la question 1: Considering the political and economic consequences for Quebec stemming from certain constitutional options, all things considered, up to what degree are you in favour of or opposed to each of the following options? Sovereignty with an economic association but without common political institutions.
- Échantillon : 1163 électeurs du Québec
- % POUR : 43
- % CONTRE : 47
- % Répondants discrets : 10
- Libellé de la question 2: If a referendum were to be held with the following question: 'Do you want Quebec first to cease being a part of Canada to become an independent country and then negotiate an economic and political association with the rest of Canada?', Would you vote YES or would you vote NO? (+ relance)
- Échantillon : 1163 électeurs du Québec
- % POUR : 36
- % CONTRE : 61
- % Répondants discrets : 4
- Libellé de la question 3: If a referendum were to be held with the following question: 'Are you in favour of the law adopted by the National Assembly declaring the sovereignty of Quebec?', would you vote YES or would you vote NO? (+ relance)
- Échantillon : 1163 électeurs du Québec
- % POUR : 42
- % CONTRE : 53
- % Répondants discrets : 6
- Libellé de la question 4: If a referendum were to be held with the following question: 'Do you want Quebec to become a sovereign country capable of making all its laws, of collecting all its taxes, of signing all its treaties and engaging in negotiations with the rest of Canada for a new partnership based on an economic union and common political institutions?', Would you vote YES or would you vote NO? (+ relance)
- Échantillon : 1163 électeurs du Québec
- % POUR : 54
- % CONTRE : 43
- % Répondants discrets : 3
- Libellé de la question 5: Considering the political and economic consequences for Quebec stemming from certain constitutional options, all things considered, up to what degree are you in favour of or opposed to each of the following options? ...Complete economic and political independance.
- Échantillon : 1163 électeurs du Québec
- % POUR : 42
- % CONTRE : 54
- % Répondants discrets : 5
- Libellé de la question 6: Considering the political and economic consequences for Quebec stemming from certain constitutional options, all things considered, up to what degree are you in favour of or opposed to each of the following options?... Sovereignty with an economic association and common political institutions.
- Échantillon : 1163 électeurs du Québec
- % POUR : 49
- % CONTRE : 41
- % Répondants discrets : 9
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