Recherche / Research
Pourquoi les sondages se trompent-ils...parfois?/ Why do polls go wrong...sometimes?
Pourquoi les sondages se trompent-ils...parfois?/ Why do polls go wrong...sometimes?, John Goyder, University of Waterloo, Martial Foucault, Université de Montréal, co-chercheurs/co-researchers (Isabelle Valois, Mélanie Deslauriers, Adrienne Cardy, research assistants) CRSH 2009-2012
Durand, C. Why do polls go wrong? The Canadian case
- Why Do Polls Go Wrong, the Canadian Case, Presented at the UBC Comparative, Canadian, and U.S. Politics Workshop, UBC, dept. political science, September 23, 2013
- What Happens When Polls Go Wrong? Two Canadian Elections of 2012, Presented at the 66th Wapor Conference, Boston, May 14-16, 2013
Durand, C. Why do polls go wrong?
- Durand,C., Deslauriers, M. Goyder, J. & M. Foucault, Mispredictions of Electoral Polls : a Metaanalysis of Methodological and Sociopolitical Determinants over 50 Years, Paper presented at the ISA World Congress, Goteborg,Sweden, July 11-17, 2010
- Valois, I., C.Durand, J. Goyder & M. Foucault, Trust in Canada: Its evolution through time, space and age groups, Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Conference of the Canadian Sociological Association, Montréal, Québec, June 3, 2010