Période 1976-1979 - De l'élection du PQ au début de la campagne référendaire
Août 1977, CROP
Description du sondage
- Date de terrain : Du 29 juillet au 8 août 1977
- Firme ayant réalisé le sondage : CROP
- Chercheur :
- Commanditaire : Reader's Digest
- Libellé de la question 1 : The solution presently favoured by the Parti Québécois Government is that of sovereignty-association, which is to say that Quebec would become a politically independent country with an economic alliance with Canada. If a referendum were to be held today on this question, would you vote for or against sovereignty-association?
- Échantillon : 822 électeurs du Québec
- % POUR : 38,4
- % CONTRE : 43,6
- % Répondants discrets : 18,0
- # de référence CORA : CR7708-Q10
- Libellé de la question 2 : Since the Parti Québécois came to power on November 15 last, we hear more and more about a referendum in which the people of Quebec will be asked to vote on the political future of Quebec. I am going to suggest four possibilities regarding the future of Quebec. For each of these possibilities, tell me whether you personally would be very much in favour, reasonably in favour, not particularly in favour or not at all in favour ... Souv-association?" (First two and last two categories added together)
- Échantillon : 822 électeurs du Québec
- % POUR : 39,5
- % CONTRE : 46,3
- % Répondants discrets : 14,1
- # de référence CORA : CR7708-Q8C
- Libellé de la question 3 : Since the Parti Québécois came to power on November 15 last, we hear more and more about a referendum in which the people of Quebec will be asked to vote on the political future of Quebec. I am going to suggest four possibilities regarding the future of Quebec. For each of these possibilities, tell me whether you personally would be very much in favour, reasonably in favour, not particularly in favour or not at all in favour ... Independence for Quebec?" (First two and last two categories added together)
- Échantillon : 822 électeurs du Québec
- % POUR : 19,5
- % CONTRE : 71,6
- % Répondants discrets : 8,9
- # de référence CORA : CR7708-Q8D
- Libellé de la question 4 : If in this referendum the Quebec Government were rather to ask for a mandate to negotiate sovereignty-association with the rest of Canada, would you give them this mandate?
- Échantillon : 822 électeurs du Québec
- % POUR : 50,6
- % CONTRE : 33,3
- % Répondants discrets : 16,0
- # de référence CORA : CR7708-Q11