Group Members |
From left to right:
Dr. Yingdong Lu, Dr. Sonia Diab, Laura Mamani Laparra, Johan Bartholomeus, Carl Trudel, Henri Piras and Yan Liu.
Today, the Lebel Group is composed of: 2 postdoctoral fellows, 6 Ph.D. students and 1 intern.
You will find down below their names, arranged in alphabetical order and according to their academic level:
Postdoctoral Fellows
Sonia Diab
Yingdong Lu
Ph.D. Students
Johan Bartholomeus
Nicolas Lévaray
Yan Liu
Laura Mamani Laparra
Henri Piras
Carl Trudel
Marion Peeters
Mikaël Berthod
- Was a postdoctoral fellow from Feb. 2005 to Jan. 2006 (co-supervised with Prof. André Charette)
- Was an industrial postdoctoral researcher at Rhodia (Lyon, France)
- Is currently a Research Sssistant in homogeneous catalysis at the Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP-Lyon) (Vernaison, France)
- To contact him: mberthod@gmail.com
Lise Brethous
- Obtained her Ph.D. in 2009
- Is currently doing a postdoctoral appointment with Jean-Louis Reymond at the University of Bern (Bern, Switzerland)
- To contact her: brethous@dcb.unibe.ch
Alexandre Clavel
Michaël Davi
- Obtained his Ph.D. in 2009
- Did a postdoctoral appointment with Oliver Beaudoin at the Université Claude Bernard (Lyon, France)
- Is currently Assistant Professor (maître de conférence) at Université Paris Est Créteil (Val-de-Marne, France)
- To contact him: michael.davi@gmail.com
Danielle Guay
- Obtained her M.Sc. in 2004
- Is currently working at AnorMED (Langley, BC)
- To contact her: dguay@anormed.com
Kim Huard
- Obtained her Ph.D. in 2008
- Did FQRNT postdoctoral appointment with Larry Overman at the University of California at Irvine (Irvine, CA)
- Is currently working at Pfizer (Groton, Connecticut)
- To contact her: kimhuard@yahoo.com
Marc Janes
- Obtained his Ph.D. in 2008
- Is currently Vice-president (Business Development) at Santailabs (Iselin, New Jersey)
- To contact him: marcjanes@santailabs.com
Chehla Ladjel
- Obtained her Ph.D. in 2007
- Did a postdoctoral appointment with Alexandre Alexakis at the University of Geneva (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Is currently Recruitment Consultant at Manpower (Geneva, Switzerland)
- to contact her: chehla.ladjel@gmail.com
Sylvain Lectard
- Obtained his Ph.D. in 2007
- Did a postdoctoral appointment with Prof. Hamada at the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Chiba University (Japan)
- Is currently a researcher at Riken (Japan)
- To contact him: sylvain.lectard@gmail.com
Olivier Leogane
- Obtained his Ph.D. in 2007
- Did an industrial postdoctoral appointment at Tranzyme Pharma (Sherbrooke, Québec)
- Did a second postdoctoral appointment with Jeffrey Keillor at Université de Montréal (Montréal, Québec)
- Is currently doing a third postdoctoral appointment with Youla Tsantrizos at McGill University (Montreal, Quebec)
- To contact him: leoganeolivier@yahoo.fr
Benjamin Matt
- Obtained his M.Sc. in 2009
- Is currently pursuing his Ph.D. with Anna Proust at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Jussieu, France)
- To contact him: budl11@hotmail.fr
Sébastien Morin
Valérie Paquet
- Obtained her Ph.D. in 2004
- Pursued her education as a NSERC postdoctoral fellow with Erick Carreira at the ETH-Zürich (Zürich, Switzerland)
- is currently Project Manager at Confab Laboratories (Montreal, Quebec)
- to contact her: valerie.paquet@confab.ca
Michaël Parmentier
- Obtained his Ph.D. in 2008
- Is currently doing a postdoctoral appointment with Andreas Pfaltz at the Universität Basel (Basel, Switzerland)
- To contact him: michael.parmentier@unibas.ch
Karen Ross
- Obtained her M.Sc. in 2010
- Is currently working at the Montreal Neurological Institute (Montreal, Quebec)
- To contact her: karen.ross@mcgill.ca
Maria Sanchez-Salvatori
- Was a postdoctoral researcher from October 2001 to October 2002 (co-supervised with Prof. André Charette)
- Has done another postdoctoral appointment at the University of Manchester (Manchester, United Kingdom)
- To contact her: jl_rayo@yahoo.fr
Cédric Spitz
- Was a postdoctoral researcher from December 2009 to July 2011
- Is currently a temporary researcher/lecturer (ATER: attaché temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche) at INSA de Rouen (Rouen, France)
- To contact him: cedric.spitz@gmail.com
Gregory Stoklosa
Walid Zeghida
- Was a postdoctoral research from May 2010 to May 2011 (co-directed with Prof. André Charette)
- To contact him: walid_zeghida@yahoo.com