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Have you heard about the seniors who come from Canada to the US?

Canadian Seniors Come To The U.S. Seeking Better Treatment

We have all heard the stories of seniors going to Canada to buy cheaper prescription medicines, but there is another side to the Canadian prescription drug pricing story. The story is not just about prices - it is also about government controls. Price controls on prescription medicines are just one facet of a larger government controlled health system. Canadians pay a price for these government controls. Canadian patients face:

  • Restricted access to newer and more innovative medicines.

  • Rationed health care services that keep government costs down.

  • Long lines for life-saving treatments.

  • Long waits for cancer treatments.

Importing Canada's system, and problems, to the U.S. is not the answer. It's an election-year effort that does not address the real issue of expanded drug coverage for seniors. [Click here for the rest of the story]

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