B.A. (1966); B.Sc. (1969); M.Sc. (1970) - Université de MontréalPh.D. (1973) - University of Massachusetts at AmherstE.W.R. Steacie Scholarship (1985-87) - NSERCMSED Award (1994) - Chemical Institute of CanadaSUMMA Award (1995) - Université LavalUrgel-Archambault Award (1997) - ACFASMarie-Victorin Award (2001) - Government of QuébecMember of the Science Academy “ Les Compagnons de Lavoisier” (2005) - Ordre des Chimistes du QuébecMember of the Royal Society of Canada (2008)Meggers Award (2009) - Society for Applied SpectroscopyMontreal Medal - Chemical Institute of Canada (2013)Chevalier de l'Ordre national du Québec - Government of Québec (2019)Robert Emery Prud’hommeEmeritus Professor - Chemistry DepartmentContact information:email: re.prudhomme@umontreal.catelephone: 514-343-2109FrançaisEnglish