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Garcia-Ac A, Segura PA, Viglino
L, Gagnon C, Sauvé S*. Comparison of APPI, APCI and ESI for the LC-MS/MS
analysis of selected pharmaceuticals in municipal wastewater. Journal of
Mass Spectrometry (in press) |
Viglino L, Prévost M, Sauvé S*.
2011. High throughput analysis of solid-bound endocrine disruptors by
LDTD-APCI-MS/MS. Journal of Environmental Monitoring
DOI:10.1039/C0EM00550A |
Lajeunesse A, Gagnon C*, Gagné F,
Louis S, Čejka P, Sauvé S. 2011. Distribution of antidepressants and their
metabolites in brook trout exposed to municipal wastewaters before and after
ozone treatment - Evidence of biological effects. Chemosphere
(doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.12.02). |
Bouchard M*, Sauvé S, Barbeau B,
Brodeur M.-È., Bouffard T, Limoges É, Legrand M, Bellinger D, Mergler D.
2010. Intellectual impairment in school-age children exposed to manganese
from drinking water. Environmental Health Perspectives.
doi:10.1289/ehp.1002321 |
Deshommes É, Zhang Y, Gendron K,
Sauvé S, Edwards M, Nour S, Prévost M*. 2010. Lead removal from tap water
using point-of-use devices. Journal of the American Water Works Association
Bouchard M*, Sauvé S, Barbeau B,
Brodeur M.-È., Bouffard T, Limoges É, Legrand M, Bellinger D, Mergler D.
2010. Intellectual impairment in school-age children exposed to manganese
from drinking water. Environmental Health Perspectives.
119:138-143 |
Deshommes É, Zhang Y, Gendron K,
Sauvé S, Edwards M, Nour S, Prévost M*. 2010. Lead removal from tap water
using point-of-use devices. Journal of the American Water Works Association
102(10)91-105 |
Garcia-Ac A, Broséus R*, Vincent
S, Barbeau B, Prévost M, Sauvé S. 2010. Oxidation kinetics of
cyclophosphamide and methotrexate by ozone in drinking water. Chemosphere
79:1056-63 |
Aboulfald K, De Potter C, Prévost
M, Sauvé S*. 2010. Time-dependent integrity during storage of natural
surface water samples for the trace analysis of pharmaceutical products,
feminizing hormones and pesticides. Chemistry Central Journal 4:10. |
Cloutier-Hurteau B*, Sauvé S,
Courchesne F. 2010. The speciation of water-soluble Al and Zn in the
rhizosphere of forest soils. Journal of Environmental Monitoring.
DOI:10.1039/c002497j. |
Fayad P, Prévost M, Sauvé S*.
2010. Laser diode thermal desorption-atmospheric pressure chemical
ionization tandem mass spectrometry analysis of selected steroid hormones in
wastewater: method optimization and application. Analytical Chemistry
82:639-645 |
Badjagbo K, Loranger S, Moore S,
Tardif R, Sauvé S. 2010. BTEX exposures among automobile mechanics and
painters and their associated health risks. Human and Ecological Risk
Assessment 16:301-316. |
Badjagbo K*, Héroux M, Alaee M,
Moore S, Sauvé S. 2010 Quantitative analysis of volatile methylsiloxanes in
waste-to-energy landfill biogases using direct APCI-MS/MS. Environmental
Science and Technology (in press November 2009). |
Segura PA, Tremblay P, Picard P,
Fortier S, Gagnon L, Gagnon C, Sauvé S. 2010. High-throughput quantitation
of sixteen antimicrobial sulfonamide residues in dairy milk using laser
diode thermal desorption-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-tandem
mass spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58, 1442–1446.http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf903362v |
Garcia-Ac A, Segura PA, Viglino L,
Fürtos A, Gagnon C, Prévost M, Sauvé S. 2009. On-line solid-phase
extraction-LC-MS/MS using large volume injections: validation for trace
organic contaminants in surface and drinking water. Journal of
Chromatography A 1216 : 8518–8527. |
Ávila G, Gaete H, Sauvé S, Neaman A.
2009. Organic matter reduces copper toxicity for the earthworm Eisenia
fetida in soils from mining areas in Central Chile. Chilean Journal of
Agricultural Research 69:252-259. |
Badjagbo K, Furtos A, Alaee M, Moore S,
Sauvé S. Direct analysis of volatile methylsiloxanes in gaseous matrices
using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-tandem mass spectrometry.
Analytical Chemistry 81:7288-7293. |
Broséus R, Vincent S, Aboulfadl K,
Daneshvar A, Sauvé S, Barbeau B, Prévost, M. Ozone oxidation of
pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors and pesticides during drinking water
treatment. Water Research 43:4707-4717. |
Peyrot C, Gagnon C, Gagné F*, Wilkinson
W, Turcotte P, Sauvé S. 2009. Effects of cadmium telluride quantum dots on
cadmium bioaccumulation and methallothionein production for the freshwater
mussel, Elliptio complanata. Comparative Biochemical Physiology (Part
C Toxicology) 150:246-251. |
Drolet-Vives K, Zayed J, Sauvé S. 2009.
Assessment of hair and bone accumulation of beryllium by mice exposed to
contaminated dusts. Journal of Applied Toxicology 29:638-42. |
Segura PA, Gagnon C, Sauvé S*.
2009. Application of turbulent flow chromatography load columns to the
on-line analysis of anti-infectives in wastewaters. Chromatographia
70:239-245. |
Neaman A, Reyes L, Trolard F, Bourrié G,
Sauvé S. 2009. Copper mobility in contaminated soils of the Puchuncaví
valley, central Chile. Geoderma 150 : 359-366. |
Lian-Zhen L, Dong-Mei Z, Peng W, Allen
HE, Sauvé S. 2009. Predicting Cd partitioning in spiked soils and
bioaccumulation in the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Applied Soil Ecology
42:118-123. |
Segura PA, Gagnon C, Sauvé S. 2009.
Review of the occurrence of anti-infectives in contaminated wastewaters,
natural and drinking waters. Environmental Health Perspectives
117:675-684. |
Lajeunesse A, Vernouillet G, Eullaffroy P, Gagnon C*,
Juneau P, Sauvé S. 2009.
Determination of carbamazepine in aquatic
organisms by liquid-liquid extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass
spectrometry. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 11:723-725 |
Fillion M, Brisson J, Teodorescu TI,
Sauvé S, Labrecque M. 2009. Performance of Salix viminalis and
Populus nigra x P. maximowiczii in short rotation culture under
high irrigation. Biomass and Bioenergy 33 :1271-1277. |
Badjagbo K, Picard P, Moore S, Sauvé S*.
2009. Direct atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-tandem mass
spectrometry for the continuous real-time trace analysis of benzene,
toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes in ambient air. Journal of the American
Society for Mass Spectrometry. 20 :829-836. |
Garcia-Ac A, Segura PA, Gagnon C,
Sauvé S*. 2009. Determination of bezafibrate, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide,
orlistat and enalapril in waste and surface waters using on-line solid-phase
extraction liquid chromatography coupled to polarity-switching electrospray
tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 11 :830-838
DOI:10.1039/B817570E |
Pichette C, Zhang H, Sauvé S. 2009.
Using diffusive gradients in thin-films for in situ monitoring of phosphorus
emissions from freshwater aquaculture. Aquaculture 286:198-202.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2008.09.025 |
Stephan C, Fournier M, Brousseau
P, Sauvé S. 2009. Use of proliferation tests to evaluate the effects of
complexing agents on beryllium toxicity. Journal of Applied Toxicology
29 :27-35 (DOI 10.1002/jat.1378) |
Bonenfant D, Kharoune L, Sauvé S,
Hausler R, Niquette P, Mimeault M, Kharoune M*. 2008. CO2 sequestration by
red mud carbonation at ambient pressure and temperature. Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry Research 47, 7617–7622. |
Pichette C, Zhang H, Sauvé S.
2008. Using diffusive gradients in thin-films for in situ monitoring of
phosphorus emissions from freshwater aquaculture. Aquaculture (accepted
August 2008).
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2008.09.025 |
François M, Grant C, Lambert R,
Sauvé S. 2008. Prediction of cadmium and zinc concentration in wheat grain
from soils affected by the application of phosphate fertilizers varying in
Cd concentration. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (DOI:
10.1007/s10705-008-9204-0). |
Bonenfant D, Kharoune L, Sauvé S,
Hausler R, Niquette P, Mimeault M, Kharoune M*. 2008. Molecular analysis of
carbon dioxide adsorption processes on steel slag oxides. International
Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas
Control. 47, 7610–7616 |
Bonenfant D, Kharoune L, Sauvé S,
Hausler R, Niquette P, Mimeault M, Kharoune M*. 2008. CO2
sequestration potential of steel slags at ambient pressure and temperature.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Industrial & Engineering
Chemistry Research 47:7610–7616. |
Stephan C, Fournier M, Brousseau
P, Sauvé S. 2008. Use of proliferation tests to evaluate the effects of
complexing agents on beryllium toxicity. Journal of Applied Toxicology (DOI
10.1002/jat.1378) |
Stephan C, Fournier M, Brousseau
P, Sauvé S. 2008. Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry as a
routine method for the quantification of beryllium in blood and serum.
Central Journal 2:14 |
Cloutier-Hurteau B, Sauvé S, Courchesne F. 2008. Influence of microorganisms
on Cu speciation in the rhizosphere of forest soils.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40: 2441–2451 |
Stephan C, Fournier M, Brousseau P, Sauvé S. 2008. Study of the effects of
nitrilotriproprionic acid and 4,5-dihydroxy-1,3-benzene disulphonate on the
fractionation of beryllium in human serum by GFAAS.
Central Journal 2:10 |
Stephan C, Fournier M, Brousseau P, Lafleur M, Sauvé S. 2008. Evaluation of
three beryllium sequestering agents by isothermal titration calorimetry.
Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectrometry 53:123-129.
http://www.csass.org/v53n3p123.pdf |
Viglino L, Aboulfadl K, Prévost M,
Sauvé S. 2008. Analysis of natural and synthetic estrogenic
endocrine disruptors in environmental waters using online
preconcentration coupled with LC-APPI-MS/MS. Talanta
CH, Courchesne F, Hendershot WH, McGrath SP, Chaudri AM,
Sappin-Didier V, Sauvé S. Speciation of zinc in contaminated
soils. Environmental Pollution
155:208-216 (doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2007.12.006)
Rachou J, Sauvé S. 2008.
Evaluation of affinity constants of Cu, Cd, Ca and H for
active soil surfaces for a solid phase-controlled
terrestrial biotic ligand model. Environmental Chemistry
Viglino L, Aboulfadl K, Daneshvar
Mahvelat A, Prévost M, Sauvé S. 2008. On-line solid phase
extraction and liquid chromatography/tandem mass
spectrometry to quantify pharmaceuticals, pesticides and
some metabolites in wastewaters, drinking, and surface
waters. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 10:482-489 (www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/EM/article.asp?doi=b800861b
Leblond C, Mephara J, Sauvé S. 2008. Trace metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni,
Pb, and Zn) in food supplements of marine origin. Human and Ecological Risk
Assessment 14: 408-420.
openurl-genre=article&issn=1080-7039&volume=14&issue=2&spage=408 |
Dussault M, Bécaert V, François M, Sauvé S, Deschênes L. Effect of copper on
soil functional stability measured by relative soil stability. Chemosphere
j.chemosphere.2008.03.019 |
Chaperon S, Sauvé S. 2008. Toxicity interactions of cadmium, copper and lead
on soil urease and dehydrogenase in relation to chemical speciation.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 70:1-9
doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2007.10.026 |
Lajeunesse A, Gagnon C, Sauvé S. Determination of basic antidepressants and
their N-desmethyl metabolites in raw sewage and wastewater using solid-phase
extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical
Chemistry 80:5325-5333. DOI
ac800162q |
Gagné F, Auclair J, Turcotte P,
Fournier M, Gagnon C, Sauvé S, Blaise C. Ecotoxicity of CdTe
quantum dots to freshwater mussels: Impacts on immune
system, oxidative stress and genotoxicity. Aquatic
Toxicology 86:333-340
Segura PA, García-Ac A, Lajeunesse
A, Ghosh D, Gagnon C, Sauvé S. 2007. Determination of six
anti-infectives in wastewater using tandem solid-phase
extraction and liquid chromatography–tandem mass
spectrometry. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 9:307-313
JEM Articles DOI:
10.1039/b618801j ,
Cover page
Cloutier-Hurteau B, Sauvé
S, Courchesne F. 2007. Comparing WHAM 6 and MINEQL+ 4.5
for the chemical speciation of Cu2+ in the rhizosphere of forest soils.
Environmental Science and Technology 41:8104-8110. |
Rachou J, Gagnon C, Sauvé
S. 2007. Use of an ion-selective electrode for free copper measurements in
low salinity and low ionic strength matrices. Environmental Chemistry
http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/188/paper/EN06036.htm |
Lofts S, Chapman P, Dwyer R, McLaughlin M, Schoeters I, Sheppard S, Adams W,
Alloway B, Antunes P, Campbell P, Davies B, Degryse F, De Vries W, Farley K,
Garrett R, Green A, Groenenberg BJ, Hale B, Harrass M, Hendershot W, Keller
A, Lanno R, Liang T, Liu W-X, Ma Y, Menzie C, Moolenaar S, Piatkiewicz W,
Reimann C, Rieuwert J, Santore R, Sauvé S, Schuetze G, Schlekat CE, Skeaff
J, Smolders E, Tao S, Wilkins J, Zhao F-J. 2007. Critical loads of metal and
other trace elements to terrestrial environments. Environmental Science and
Technology 41:6326-6331 |
Segura PA, Gagnon C, Sauvé S. 2007. A fully automated on-line
preconcentration and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method
for the analysis of anti-infectives in wastewaters. Analytica Chimica Acta
j.aca.2007.09.058 |
Badjagbo K, Moore S, Sauvé
S*. An overview of real-time monitoring methods for airborne VOCs. Trends in
Analytical Chemistry.26:931-940.
j.trac.2007.07.004 |
Chaperon S, Sauvé S. Toxicity interaction of metals (Ag, Cu, Hg, Zn) on soil
urease and dehydrogenase. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39:2329-2338.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2007.04.004 |
Pichette C, Zhang H,
Davison W, Sauvé S. 2007. Preventing biofilm development on DGT devices
using metals and antibiotics. Talanta. 72: 716-722
doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2006.12.014 |
Lambert R, Grant C, Sauvé
S*. 2007. Cadmium and zinc in soil solutions following the application of
cadmium-contaminated phosphate fertilizers. Science of the Total
Environment 378:293-305 -
doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2007.02.008 |
Rachou J, Hendershot W,
Sauvé S. 2007. Determination of soil organic matter impacts upon fluxes of
cadmium in soils: comparison of diffusive gradients in thin films and anodic
stripping voltammetry. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38:
1619-1636. |
MacDonald JD, Bélanger N,
Sauvé S, Courchesne F, Hendershot WH. 2007. Collection and Characterization
of Soil Solutions. Chapitre 17 dans Soil Sampling and methods of analysis.
2nd Edition. M.R. Carter, E.G. Gregorich. CRC Press, Boca Raton FL. pp.
179-196. |
Sauvé S. 2006. Soil Copper Inhibits Soil Organic
Matter Decomposition in an 80-year Field Study. Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry 25:654-857.
(doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2004.06.006) |
Carrillo-González R,
Simunek J, Sauvé S, Adriano D. 2006. Mechanisms and pathways of trace
element mobility in soils. Advances in Agronomy 91:111-178. |
Kruyts N, Chadi S,
Courchesne F, Sauvé S. 2006. Chapitre 2.3 (Rhizosphere soil solution:
Elemental and ionic composition, speciation-Metal (e.g. Zn) labile fractions
in soil solutions. in Handbook of methods used in rhizosphere research. J.
Luster, R Finlay (eds). Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf,
Switzerland. P.262 |
Sauvé S. 2006. Chapitre
2.3 (Rhizosphere soil solution: Elemental and ionic composition,
speciation-Ion-selective electrode potentiometry. in Handbook of methods
used in rhizosphere research. J. Luster, R Finlay (eds). Swiss Federal
Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland. P.262 |
Sauvé S. 2006. Chapitre
2.3 (Rhizosphere) soil solution: Elemental and ionic composition,
speciation- Differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry and speciation
calculations. in Handbook of methods used in rhizosphere research. J.
Luster, R Finlay (eds). Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf,
Switzerland. P.262 |
Legrand P, Turmel M-C, Sauvé S,
Courchesne F. 2006. Speciation and bioavailability of trace metals (Cd, Cu,
Ni, Pb, Zn) in the rhizosphere of contaminated soils. Chapitre 8 dans
Biogeochemistry of trace elements in the rhizosphere. Elsevier. pp. 261-281. |
Sauvé S, Parker D*. 2005.
Chemical speciation of trace elements in soil solution. Chapitre 14 dans:
Chemical Processes in soils, M.A. Tabatabai, D. Sparks (eds). Soil Science
Society of America, Madison, WI, 655-688. |
Ge Y, Sauvé S, Hendershot
W. 2005. Equilibrium speciation of Cd, Cu and Pb in soil solutions.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 36: 1537-1556 |
Sauvé S, Fournier M. 2005.
Age-specific immunocompetence of the earthworm Eisenia andrei:
exposure to methylmercury chloride. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
60:67-72. (
doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2003.12.022 ) |
Ge Ying, Macdonald D,
Sauvé S, Hendershot W. 2005. Modeling of Cd and Pb speciation in soil
solutions by WinHumicV and NICA-Donnan model. Environmental Modelling and
Software 20:353-359. (
doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2003.12.014 ) |
Zeng QR, Sauvé S, Allen HE, Hendershot WH.
Recycling EDTA solutions used to remediate metal-polluted soils.
Environmental Pollution 133:225-231. (
doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2004.06.006 ) |
Fayad PB, Amyot M, Sauvé
S. 2004. Total mercury determinations in sand boxes from Montreal. Journal
of Environmental Monitoring 6:903-906. |
Rachou J, Hendershot W, Sauvé S. 2004. Effects of
pH on fluxes of cadmium in soils measured using diffusive gradients in thin
films. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 35 :2655-2673.
Massicotte R, Robidoux PY, Sauvé S, Flipo D,
Mathiot A, Fournier M, Trottier B. 2004. Immunotoxicological response of the
earthworm Lumbricus terrestris following exposure to cement kiln
dusts. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 59 :10-16.(
doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2004.05.003 ) |
Hendawi M, Sauvé S, Ashour M,
Brousseau P, Fournier M. 2004. A new ultrasound protocol for extrusion of
coelomocytes cells from the earthworm Eisenia andrei. Ecotoxicology
and Environmental Safety 59 :17-22.
doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2003.07.015 ) |
Sauvé S. 2003. Chapitre 3. The role of chemical
speciation in bioavailability. In: Naidu R, Gupta VVSR, Kookana RS, Rogers S
and Adriano D. (eds) Bioavailability, Toxicity and Risk Relationships in
Ecosystems. Science Publishers Inc., Enfield, NH. pp. 59-82. |
Sauvé S, Manna S, Turmel M-C,
Roy AG, Courchesne F. 2003. Solid-solution partitioning of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb
and Zn in the organic horizons of a forest soil. Environmental Science and
Technology 37:5191-5196. (
) |
Massicotte R, Robidoux PY,
Sauvé S, Flipo D, Fournier M, Trottier B. 2003. Immune response of
earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris, Eisenia andrei and Apporrectodea
tuberculata) following in situ soil exposure to atmospheric deposition
from a cement factory. Journal of Environmental Monitoring
5:774-779. (
DOI: 10.1039/b301956j ) |
Sauvé S. 2002. Chapter 2. Speciation of metals in
soils. In: Allen HE. (ed) Bioavailability of Metals in Terrestrial
Ecosystems: Importance of Partitioning for Bioavailability to Invertebrates,
Microbes and Plants. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, pp.
7-37. |
Allen HE, McGrath SP, McLaughlin, MJ, Peijnenburg,
WJGM, Sauvé S. 2002. Chapter 6. Recommendations for regulatory program and
research. In: Allen HE. (ed) Bioavailability of Metals in Terrestrial
Ecosystems: Importance of Partitioning for Bioavailability to Invertebrates,
Microbes and Plants. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, pp.
111-112. |
Loranger S, Schetagne
R, Plante M, Carrier G, Sauvé S, Émard B, Piché L. 2002.
Evaluation of a Non-Invasive Method for the Estimation of Methylmercury
Exposure of Recreational Anglers in the James Bay Territory (Québec,
Canada). Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 8:559-571. |
Ge Y, Murray P, Hendershot W, Sauvé S.
Low metal
bioavailability in a contaminated urban site Environmental Toxicology
and Chemistry 21:954-961.
DOI:10.1897/1551-5028(2002)021<0954:LMBIAC>2.0.CO;2 |
Loranger S, Pouliot Y, Sauvé S, Dussault L,
Courchesne Y. 2002. Chapter 22. Environmental fate and human exposure
modeling of the residual TPH Contamination in a bioremediated petroleum
storage site. In: Sunahara GI, Renoux AY, Gaudet CL, Thellen C, Pilon A. (eds.)
Environmental Analysis of Contaminated Sites: Toxicological Methods and
Approaches. pp. 411-431. |
Sauvé S, Brousseau P, Pellerin J, Morin Y, Senécal
L, Goudreau P, Fournier M. Phagocytic activity of marine and freshwater
bivalves: in vitro exposure of hemocytes to metals (Ag, Cd, Hg, and
Zn). Aquatic Toxicology 58:189-200.
Résumé (
doi:10.1016/S0166-445X(01)00232-6 ) |
Sauvé S,
Hendawi M, Brousseau P, Fournier M. Phagocytic activity of coelomocytes from
terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates following in vitro exposure to
trace elements. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 52:21-29. (
doi:10.1006/eesa.2001.2125 ) |
Kennette D, Sauvé S, Hendershot
W, Tomlin A. 2002.
Uptake of trace
metals by the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L.
in urban contaminated soils.
Applied Soil Ecology 19:191-198. |
Sauvé S, Martínez CE, McBride M, Hendershot W. 2000. Adsorption of Pb2+
by pedogenic and synthetic iron oxides and leaf compost.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 64:595-599.
Résumé |
Tambasco G, Sauvé S, Cook N, McBride M, Hendershot W. 2000.
Phytoavailability of Cu, Pb and Zn to lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in
contaminated soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science
80:309-317. |
Sauvé S, Hendershot W, Allen HE. 2000. Solid-solution partitioning of metals
in contaminated soils: Dependence on pH and total metal burden.
Environmental Science and Technology 34:1125-1131.
Résumé (
) |
Sauvé S, McBride M, Hendershot W. 2000. Speciation and complexation of
cadmium in extracted soil solutions. Environmental Science and Technology
34:291-296. Résumé (
) |
Martínez CE, Sauvé S, Jacobson A, McBride M. 1999. Thermally induced release
of adsorbed Pb upon aging ferrihydrite and soil oxides. Environmental
Science and Technology 33:2016-2020.
Résumé |
Sauvé S, Dumestre A, McBride M, Gillett JW, Hendershot W. 1999.
Nitrification potential in field-collected soils contaminated with Pb and
Cu. Applied Soil Ecology 12:29-39.
Résumé |
Dumestre A, Sauvé S, McBride M, Baveye P, Berthelin J. 1999. Copper
speciation and microbial activity in long-term contaminated soils.
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
36:124-131. |
Sauvé S, McBride M, Hendershot W. 1998. Soil solution speciation of Pb2+:
Effects of organic matter and pH. Soil Science Society of America
Journal 62:618-621.
Résumé |
McBride M, Martínez CE, Sauvé S. 1998. Copper(II) activity in aged
suspensions of goethite and organic matter. Soil Science Society of
America Journal 62: 1542-1548.
Résumé |
Sauvé S, Dumestre A, McBride M, Hendershot W. 1998. Derivation of soil
quality criteria using predicted chemical speciation of Pb2+ and
Cu2+. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17:1481-1489.
Sauvé S, McBride M, Hendershot W. 1998. Lead phosphate solubility in water
and soil suspensions. Environmental Science and Technology
32:388-393. Résumé |
Sauvé S, McBride M, Hendershot W. 1997. Speciation of lead in contaminated
soils. Environmental Pollution 98:149-155.
Résumé |
Sauvé S. McBride M, Norvell WA, Hendershot W. 1997. Copper solubility and
speciation of in situ contaminated soils: Effects of copper level, pH and
organic matter. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 100:133-149. |
McBride M, Richards B, Steenhuis T, Russo JJ, Sauvé S. 1997. Mobility and
solubility of toxic metals and nutrients in soil fifteen years after sludge
application. Soil Science 162:487-500. |
McBride M, Sauvé S, Hendershot W. 1997. Solubility control of Cu, Zn,
Cd and Pb in contaminated soils. European Journal of Soil Science
48:337-346. |
Sauvé S, Cook N, Hendershot W, McBride M. 1996. Linking plant tissue
concentrations and soil copper pools in urban contaminated soils.
Environmenal Pollution 94:154-157. |
Sauvé S, McBride M, Hendershot W. 1995. Ion-selective electrode measurements
of copper(II) activity in contaminated soils. Archives of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology. 29:373-379. |
Sauvé S, Hendershot W. 1995. Selectivity coefficient variations in acidic
forest soils from Sutton, Québec. Geoderma 68:301-308. |
Sauvé S, Hendershot W. 1995. Cation exchange capacity variations in
acidic forest soils from Sutton, Québec. Communications in Soil Science and
Plant Analysis. 27:2025-2032. |
O'Brien C, Cook N, Sauvé S, Hendershot W. 1994. Developing Canadian
soil quality guidelines for contaminated sites - The behaviour and effects
of lead in the Canadian environment: Background document.
CCME Subcommittee on Environmental Quality Criteria for Contaminated Sites. |
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