Publications récentes de Claude Viau dans des revues avec comités de lecture. |
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Articles déjà parus |
VIAU, C. Interprétation des résultats de surveillance biologique, Arch. Mal. Prof. 69:315-319, 2008 |
VYSKOCIL, A., LEROUX, T., TRUCHON, G., LEMAY, F., GAGNON, F., GENDRON, M. et VIAU, C. Ototoxicity of trichloroethylene in concentrations relevant for the working environment. Hum. Exp. Toxicol. 27: 195-200, 2008 |
HAYS, S.M., AYLWARD, L.L., LAKIND, J.S., BARTELS, M.J., BARTON, H.A., BOOGAARD, P.J., BRUNK, C., DIZIO, S., DOURSON, M., GOLDSTEIN, D.A., LIPSCOMB, J., KILPATRICK, M.E., KREWSKI, D., KRISHNAN, K., NORDBERG, M., OKINO, M., TAN, Y.-M., VIAU, C. et YAGER, J.W. Guidelines for the derivation of biomonitoring equivalents: Report from the biomonitoring equivalents expert workshop, Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 51: S4–S15, 2008 | |
LAKIND, J.S., AYLWARD, L.L., BRUNK, C., DIZIO, S., DOURSON, M., GOLDSTEIN, D.A., KILPATRICK, M.E., KREWSKI, D., BARTELS, M., BARTON, H.A., BOOGAARD, P.J., LIPSCOMB, J., KRISHNAN, K., NORDBERG, M., OKINO, M., TAN, Y.-M., VIAU, C., YAGER, J.W. et HAYS, S.M. Guidelines for the communication of biomonitoring equivalents: Report from the biomonitoring equivalents expert workshop, Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 51: S16–S26, 2008 | |
VYSKOCIL, A., LEROUX, T., TRUCHON, G., LEMAY, F., GAGNON, F., GENDRON, M., GAGNON, F., EL MAJIDI, N. et VIAU, C. Ethyl bezene should be considered ototoxic at occupationally relevant exposure concentrations. Tox. Ind. Health 24: 241-246, 2008 | |
VIAU, C. Les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques, de la recherche à la prévention. Bulletin d’information en santé environnementale (BISE) 19(5) : 3-6, 2008 | |
FORTIN, F., VIAU, C., LEMIEUX, N. Contribution de la cytogénétique à l’étude de la génotoxicité des HAP. Bulletin d’information en santé environnementale (BISE) 19(5) : 12-14, 2008 | |
VYSKOCIL, A., LEROUX, T., TRUCHON, G., GENDRON, M. et VIAU, C. Occupational ototoxicity of n-hexane. Hum. Exp. Toxicol. 27(6):471-6, 2008 | |
MANNO, M. et VIAU, C. Biomonitoring for occupational health risk assessment. Toxicol. Lett. doi:10.1016/j.toxlet.2009.05.001, 2009 | |
BOUCHARD, M., NORMANDIN, L., GAGNON, F., VIAU, C., DUMAS, P., GAUDREAU, É., TREMBLAY, C. Biological monitoring of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in individuals living near an aluminum plant in Quebec, Canada, using validated and novel biomarkers. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health A 72 :1534-1549, 2009 | |
MANNO, M. et VIAU, C. Biomonitoring for occupational health risk assessment. Toxicol Lett 192: 3-16, 2010 | |
MARIE, C., BOUCHARD, M., HEREDIA-ORTIZ, R., VIAU, C. et MAÎTRE, A. A toxicokinetic study to elucidate 3-hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene atypical urinary excretion profile following intravenous injection of benzo(a)pyrene in rats. J. Appl. Toxicol. 30 : 402-410, 2010 | |
BUSHNIK, T., HAINES, D., LEVALLOIS, P., LEVESQUE, J., VAN OOSTDAM, J. et VIAU, C. Concentrations de plomb et de bisphénol A pour la population canadienne, Rapports sur la santé : 21(3) : 1-15, 2010 | |
MARIE, C., MAÎTRE, A., BOUCHARD, M., RAVANAT, J. L. et VIAU, C. Evaluation of DNA adducts, DNA and RNA oxidative lesions and 3 hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene as biomarkers of DNA damage in lung following intravenous injection of the parent compound in rats. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 23: 1207-1214, 2010 | |
BOUCHARD, M., VIAU, C., MARIE, C. et MAÎTRE, A. Apport de la toxicocinétique dans le suivi biologique des expositions aux hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques. Arch. Mal. Prof. 71:520-522, 2010 | |
HEREDIA-ORTIZ, R. BOUCHARD, M., MARIE-DESVERGNE, C., VIAU, C. et MAÎTRE, A. Modeling of the Internal Kinetics of Benzo(a)pyrene and 3‑Hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene Biomarker from Rat Data, Toxicol. Sci. 122: 275–287, 2011 | |
NADEAU, S., HALLE, S., VIAU, C. et CLOUTIER, Y. Call for the Development of an Adaptive Tool for Assessing Human Health Risks Posed by Engineered Nanoparticles. International Journal of Safety & Security Engineering 2: 40–53, 2012 | |
A. VYSKOCIL, A., TRUCHON, G., LEROUX, T., LEMAY, F., GENDRON, M., LIM, S., GAGNON, F. et VIAU, C. A weight of evidence approach for the assessment of the ototoxic potential of industrial chemicals. Toxicol. Indust. Health 28: 796–819, 2012 | |
NADEAU, S., BOUCHARD, M., DEBIA, M., DEMARCELLIS-WARIN, N., HALLÉ, S., SONGMENE, V., THERRIEN, M.-C., WILKINSON, K., ATEME-NGUEMA, B., DUFOUR, G., DUFRESNE, A., FATISSON, J., HADDAD, S., HADIOUI, M., KOUAM, J., MORENCY, F., TARDIF, R., VIENS, M., WEICHENTHAL, S., VIAU, C. and CAMUS, M. ÉquiNanos: Innovative team for nanoparticle risk management. Invited Technical and commercialization note, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, biology and medicine, 9(1): 22-24, 2013 | |
Articles acceptés pour publication |
FATISSON, J., HALLÉ, S., NADEAU, S. ATEME-NGUEMA, B., NAHAS, N., VIAU, C., CAMUS, M. et CLOUTIER, Y., Towards an integrated and adaptive risk assessment tool for engineered nanoparticles. Int. J. Theor. Appl. Nanotech. | |
FATISSON, J., HALLE, S., NADEAU, S., VIAU, C., CAMUS, M. et CLOUTIER, Y. Towards Ranking Occupational Health Risk Factors Emanating from Engineered Nanoparticles: Review of a Decade of Literature, International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering |