Les diverses conférences de notre laboratoire.
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Amyot, M., C. Girard, I. Laurion, J. Chételat. 2012.Thaw ponds are methylmercury hotspots in Nunavut and Nunavik (Canada). International Polar Year Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Girard, C., M. Amyot. 2012. Photodemethylation of MeHg and water chemistry of thermokarst thaw ponds: in situ observations and in vitro experiments. International Polar Year Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Girard, C., M. Amyot 2012. Le sort du méthylmercure dans des écosystèmes aquatiques arctiques et subarctiques, 12e Colloque du Centre d’Études Nordiques (CEN), Rimouski (QC), Canada.
Amyot, M., C. Girard, I. Laurion, A. Poulain, M. Moingt, J. Carrie, D. Bélanger, J. Chételat. 2011. Methylmercury and thiol/mercury interactions in northern thaw ponds. 10th International conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Halifax, Canada.
Harris, R, J.W.M. Rudd, C.A. Kelly, D.P. Krabbenhoft, V. St. Louis, H. Hintelmann, C. Gilmour, A. Heyes, M. Amyot, B. Branfireun, P. Blanchfield, J. Graydon, M. Paterson, K. Sandilands, M.T. Tate, B. Dimock, K. Beaty, C. Babiarz. 2011. Decline of ecosystem Hg levels during the initial recovery phase of METAALICUS. 10th International conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Halifax, Canada.
Gilmour, C.C., R. Harris, C.A. Kelly, D.P. Krabenhoft, M. Amyot, P. Blanchfield, M. Paterson, J.M.W. Rudd, M. Tate, K. Sandilands, K. Beaty, S. Lindberg, G. Southworth, A. Heyes, V. St. Louis, J. Graydon, C. Babiarz, B. Branfireun, J.P. Hurley. 2011. 10th International conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Halifax, Canada.
Chételat, J., M. Amyot, L. Cloutier, E. Garcia. 2011. Where to (or not to) feed in a lake: how habitat-specific diet can affect mercury bioaccumulation in fish. 10th International conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Halifax, Canada.
Daguené, V., E. Yumvihoze, M. Amyot, A. Poulain. 2011. Investigations on the role of major cations on the uptake of inorganic Hg species (Hg2+ and Hg0) by a gram-negative bacterium. 10th International conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Halifax, Canada.
Perron, T., M. Amyot, J. Chételat, J. Gunn. 2011. Effect of experimental deepening of the thermocline on mercury bioaccumulation in a Canadian Shield lake. 10th International conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Halifax, Canada.
Burgess, N., M. Amyot, L. Campbell, K. Kidd, M. Lucotte, T. Scheuhammer, M. Sekela. 2011. Assessing the ecological risks of mercury to freshwater fish and wildlife across Canada. 10th International conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Halifax, Canada.
Ouedraogo, O., M. Amyot. 2011. Mercury contamination in African sub-Saharan freshwater reservoirs (Burkina Faso). 10th International conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Halifax, Canada.
LeJeune, A., F. Bourdiol, L. Aldamman, T. Perron, B. Pinel-Alloul, M. Amyot. 2011. Does the migration of the phantom midge Chaoborus affect mercury biomagnification in lakes? 10th International conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Halifax, Canada.
Ouedraogo, O., M. Amyot. 2011. Effects of dietary habits on bioaccessibility of mercury from fish. 10th International conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Halifax, Canada.
Amyot, M., C. Girard, I. Laurion, M. Leclerc. 2011. Photodemethylation of methylmercury in Arctic freshwater hotspots. 10th International conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Halifax, Canada.
LeJeune, A.H., B. Pinel-Alloul, F. Bourdiol, L. Aldamman, T. Perron, M. Amyot. 2011. How migratory behavior affects biomagnification of methylmercury by the phantom midge Chaoborus sp. 7th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Girona, Italie.
Amyot, M., M. Moingt, M. Bressac, D. Bélanger, P.A. Bouyou, J. Carrie, A.J.P. Poulain. 2011. Stability and bioavailability of mercury thiol-complexes in aquatic systems. 94th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Montreal.
Daguené, V., E. Yumvihoze, M. Amyot, Poulain, A.J. 2011. Investigations on the role of major cations on the uptake of inorganic Hg species (Hg2+ and Hg0) by a gram-negative bacterium. 94th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Montreal.
Labonté-David, E., M. Amyot, R. Carignan. 2011. Cooccurrence des espèces de mercure et de sélénium dans les lacs du Parc du Mont-Tremblant et l'influence des castors. Symposium de sciences biologiques, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada.
Perron, T., M. Amyot, J. Chételat, J. Gunn. 2011. Effets d'un abaissement de la thermocline dans un lac des Laurentides sur le transfert trophique du méthylmercure. Symposium de sciences biologiques, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada.
Cloutier, L., J. Chételat, M. Amyot. 2011. Les poissons benthonophages, goinfres ou gourmets. Symposium de sciences biologiques, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada.
Perron, T., M. Amyot, J. Chételat, J. Gunn. 2011. Effet de l'abaissement expérimental de la thermocline sur le cycle du mercure dans un lac oligotrophe. Symposium GRIL, St-Hippolyte, Canada.
Girard, C., M. Amyot, I. Laurion. 2011. Aqueous concentrations and degradation pathways of methylmercury in Arctic lakes and thaw ponds. Symposium GRIL, St-Hippolyte, Canada [PRIX DE LA MEILLEURE PRÉSENTATION].
Gunn, J., B. Beisner, Y. Prairie, M. Amyot, J. Chételat. 2011. Timex: a thermocline deepening experiment. CCFFR/SCL, Toronto, Canada.
Chételat, J., M. Amyot. 2010. Field evidence of ontogenetic effects on methylmercury bioaccumulation in a High Arctic copepod. ArcticNet, Ottawa, Canada.
Girard, C., M. Amyot, I. Laurion. 2010. Aqueous concentrations and degradation pathways of methylmercury in Arctic lakes and thaw ponds. ATW, Toronto, Canada.
Ouedraogo, O., M. Amyot. 2010. Assessment of mercury contamination in African sub-Saharan freshwater reservoirs (Burkina Faso). ATW, Toronto, Canada.
Burgess, N., M. Amyot, L. Campbell, K. Kidd, M. Lucotte, T. Scheuhammer, M. Sekela. 2010. Assessing the ecological risks of mercury to freshwater fish and wildlife across Canada. SETAC, Portland, U.S.A.
Poulain, A.J., M. Amyot, P.A. Ariya, T. Barkay. 2010. Post-Depositional Fate of Mercury in the Canadian High Arctic. IPY Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, Norvège.
Amyot, M., M. Moingt, M. Bressac. D. Bélanger. 2010. Stability of thiols in natural waters and interactions with metals. 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada.
Le Jeune, A.H., F. Bourdiol, L. Aldamman, M. Amyot, B. Pinel-Alloul. 2010. Bioaccumulation du méthylmercure (MeHg) par les larves de Chaoborus sp. : incidence des comportements alimentaires et de la migration verticale, ACFAS, Montréal, Canada.
Ouedraogo, O., M. Amyot. 2010. Ruée vers l’or et contamination métallique des écosystèmes aquatiques au Burkina Faso, ACFAS, Montréal, Canada.
Ouedraogo, O. 2010. Bioaccumulation et transfert du mercure dans les systèmes aquatiques d'eaux douces en Afrique sub-saharienne. Symposium du département de sciences biologiques, U. de Montréal, Canada.
Girard, C, M. Amyot, I. Laurion. 2010. Contamination en mercure de mares thermokarstiques en régions arctiques et subarctiques. Symposium du département de sciences biologiques, U. de Montréal, Canada.
Roy, V. 2009. Le castor, un ingénieur de l’écosystème qui augmente les concentrations en méthylmercure et en nutriments dans les ruisseaux des Laurentides. Conférence honorifique pour le Prix Playle 2009 de l'ATW, ATW, La Malbaie, Canada.
Bourdiol, F., A.H. Lejeune, L. Aldaman, M. Amyot, B. Pinel-Alloul. 2009. Patterns of methylmercury bioaccumulation by the phantom midge Chaoborus sp.: involvement of dielvertical migration and feeding habits. ATW, La Malbaie, Canada.
Chételat, J., M. Amyot, L. Cloutier, A. Poulain. 2009. Fate of mercury entering lakes and ponds in the Canadian High Arctic: role of biological and geochemical drivers. Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Suisse.
Gunn, J., A. Cantin, B. Beisner, Y. Prairie, J. Chételat, M. Amyot. 2009. Artificial deepening of a lake thermocline: impacts of changing surface winds. 6th International Charr Symposium, Stirling, Scotland.
Ouedraogo, O., M. Amyot. 2009. Exploitation minière artisanale et pollution environnementale au mercure en Afrique sub-saharienne. Symposium du département de sciences biologiques, U. de Montréal, Canada.
Chételat, J., L. Cloutier, M. Amyot. 2009. Terrestrial carbon subsidies to aquatic food webs of the High Arctic: Evidence from chironomid diet. Canadian Society of Limnology / CCFFR, Ottawa, Canada.
Gunn, J., A. Cantin, B. Beisner, Y. Prairie, J. Chételat, M. Amyot. 2009. Artificial deepening of a lake thermocline: impacts of changing surface winds. Canadian Society of Limnology / CCFFR, Ottawa, Canada.
Chételat, J., M. Amyot, L. Cloutier, A. Poulain. 2008. Fate of mercury entering lakes and ponds in the Canadian High Arctic. Réunion, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, Québec, Canada.
Chételat, J., M. Amyot. 2008. Shifts in zooplankton composition driven by climate change could alter methylmercury transfer to fish in High Arctic Lakes. Arctic Change, Québec, Canada. -
Hamelin, S., D. Planas, M. Amyot, T. Barkay. Y. Wang. 2008. Methylmercury production in the littoral zone of the St. Lawrence River: who is responsible? ASLO, St. John's, Terre-Neuve, Canada [Prix/Award].
Amyot, M. 2008. Le mercure dans l'environnement: des cycles biogéochimiques globaux aux phénomènes écologiques locaux. Séminaire en écologie, UQAM, Montréal, Canada.
Amyot, M. 2008. Le mercure dans l'environnement: de la géochimie à l'écologie. Séminaire, Centre Saint-Laurent, Environnement Canada, Montreal, Canada.
Chételat, J., M. Amyot. 2008. Geographic expansion of Daphnia driven by climate change may increase methylmercury accumulation in High Arctic zooplankton. Symposium du GRIL.
Bouffard, A., M. Amyot. 2008. Interaction entre le mercure élémentaire et les sédiments lacustres - évaluation de son implication possible dans le processus de la méthylation du mercure. 18e Symposium de sciences biologiques, Montreal, Canada.
Chételat, J., M. Amyot. 2007. Potential effects of climate change pn methyl mercury cycling in High Arctic fresh waters: insights from eutrophied Meretta Lake, Cornwallis Island, ArcticNet Annual Meeting, Collingwood, Canada
Amyot, M. 2007. Redox transformations of mercury in wetlands (invited). AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A.
Roy, V., M. Amyot, R. Carignan. 2007. Beaver ponds increase methylmercury and nutrient concentrations in Canadian Shield streams. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A.
Bouffard, A., M. Amyot. 2007. Elemental mercury interaction with lake sediments. Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, Halifax, Canada [Prix/Award]
Amyot, M. 2007. Étude intégrée sur le mercure dans le lac Saint-Pierre: de la chimie aquatique à la santé humaine. Séminaire, Département de sciences biologiques, Université de Montréal.
Poulain, A.J., M. Amyot, P.G.C. Campbell. 2007. Mercury dynamics on Cornwallis Island during spring and summer. SIL 2007, Montreal, Canada.
Chételat, J., M. Amyot. 2007. Contrasts in macronutrient content of zooplankton from Canadian high Arctic and temperate lakes. SIL 2007, Montreal, Canada.
Roy, V., M. Amyot, R. Carignan. 2007. Beaver dams increase mercury and nutrient levels in streams. SIL 2007, Montreal, Canada.
Hamelin, S., D. Planas, M. Amyot. 2007. Mercury accumulation and transformation by epiphytic biofilms in wetlands. SIL 2007, Montreal, Canada.
Amyot, M. 2007. Mercury fluxes at environmental interfaces: from geochemistry to ecology. Seminaire, University of Nevada at Reno.
Amyot, M., A. Poulain, V. Roy. 2007. Impact of forest canopy on snow-to-air mercury fluxes. IUGG, Perugia, Italie.
Mortazavi, R., M. Amyot, P. Ariya. 2007. Snowborne taxa characterization and Impact on Ice nucleation. IUGG, Perugia, Italie.
Ariya, P.A., G. Kos, M. Amyot, R. Mortazavi. 2007. Characterization of snowborne taxa and bioaerosols in several Arctic and sub-Arctic sites. IUGG, Perugia, Italie.
Poulain, A.J., V. Roy, M. Amyot. 2007. Influence of temperate mixed and deciduous tree covers on mercury concentrations and photoredox transformations in snow. Congrès de la Société canadienne de météorologie et d'océanographie. St. John's, Terre-Neuve, Canada.
Dauphin, K., G. Cabana, M. Amyot. 2007. La contamination des chaînes alimentaires terrestres par le mercure d'origine aquatique lors d'inondation. 11ème colloque annuel du Chapitre Saint-Laurent (SETAC), Rimouski, Canada [Prix de la meilleure affiche / Best poster award].
Bouffard, A., M. Amyot. 2007. Interaction entre le mercure élémentaire et les sédiments lacustres. 11ème colloque annuel du Chapitre Saint-Laurent (SETAC), Rimouski, Canada [Prix de la meilleure presentation / Best talk award].
Amyot, M., S. Chidami. 2007. Fate of dead fish in lakes. 1ère Conférence de la Société canadienne d'écologie et d'évolution, Toronto, Canada.
Hamelin, S., D. Planas. M. Amyot 2007. Quel est le meilleur moment de l'année pour manger des épiphytes et des macrophytes du lac St-Pierre sans trop se contaminer au mercure ? 75e Congrès annuel de l’Association Canadienne-Française pour l’Avancement de la Science, ACFAS, Trois-Rivières, Canada.
Amyot, M., D. Lean, M. Lucotte, D. Mergler, D. Planas, L. Poissant, L. Sauvé, A. Tessier, F. Wang. 2007. Le mercure dans le lac Saint-Pierre: bilan actuel et perspectives d'avenir. Colloque 105, Congrès annuel de l’Association Canadienne-Française pour l’Avancement de la Science, 75e ACFAS, Trois-Rivières, Canada.
Hamelin, S., D. Planas, M. Amyot. 2007. Mercury accumulation, methylation and demethylation by epiphytes: what is going on? Société canadienne de limnologie, Montreal, Canada.
Roy, V., M. Amyot, R. Carignan. 2007. Methyl mercury exports from beaver dams on the Canadian Shield. Société canadienne de limnologie, Montreal, Canada
Amyot, M. 2006. Mercury at environmental interfaces: from geochemistry to ecology. Séminaire, Université du Nevada at Reno.
Ariya, P.A., G. Kos, V. Côté,
Poulain, A., S.N. Chadhain, P. Ariya, E. Garcia, M. Amyot, P. Campbell, G. Zylstra, T. Barkay. 2006. Microbes express mercury resistance in the high Arctic: implications for mercury cycling in remote polar regions. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Montreal.
Chételat, J., M. Amyot, L. Cloutier. 2006. Elevated methyl mercury in Chironomids of the high Arctic lakes. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Montreal.
O'Driscoll, N., S. Siciliano, D. Lean, M. Amyot. 2006. Gross photo-reduction kinetics of mercury in temperate freshwater lakes and rivers: application to a general model for DGM dynamics. 8th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison, WI, USA.
Hamelin, S., D. Planas, M. Amyot. 2006. Are epiphytic biofilms important contributors for Hg accumulation, methylation and demethylation in fluvial wetlands? (Lake St. Pierre, Quebec, Canada). 8th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison, WI, USA.
Poulain, A., V. Roy, A. Bouffard, M. Amyot. 2006. Hg Dynamics in snow of a mixed forest of the Laurentians, Quebec, Canada. 8th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison, WI, USA.
Amyot, M. 2006. Effect of DOM on the redox cycling of mercury in aquatic systems: an overview (invited). 8th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison, WI, USA.
Wang, F., B. Pagem M. Lemes, R. Goulet, J. Holmes, A. Tessier, D. Lean, M. Amyot. 2006. Mercury and methylmercury speciation across the mercury methylation layer in wetlands. 8th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison, WI, USA.
Harris, R., J. Rudd, M. Amyot, C. Babiarz, K. Beaty, P. Blanchfield, R. Bodaly, B. Branfireun, C. Gilmour, J. Graydon, A. Heyes, H. Hintelmann, J. Hurley, C. Kelly, D. Krabbenhoft, S. Lindberg, R. Mason, M. Paterson, C. Podemski, K. Sandilands, G. Southworth, V. St. Louis, M. Tate. 2006. How does atmospheric mercury deposition affect methylmercury concentrations in a boreal ecosystem: results from the first four years of METAALICUS. 8th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Madison, WI, USA.
Hamelin, S., D. Planas, M. Amyot 2006. Do epiphytic biofilms are important contributors for Hg accumulation, methylation and demethylation in fluvial wetlands ? (Lake St.Pierre, Qc, Canada). Congrès annuel du Groupe Interuniversitaire en Limnologie (GRIL).
Hamelin, S., D. Planas, M. Amyot. 2006. What do epiphytes from lake St.Pierre do with mercury ? Congrès annuel du Centre de Recherche en Géochimie et Géodynamique, GEOTOP.
Hamelin, S., D. Planas, M. Amyot. 2006. What do epiphytic biofilms do with mercury in lake St.Pierre? COMERN Annual Meeting.
Wang et al 2006. Linking Hg biogeochemistry, food chain dynamics, human health and education: The St.Laurent River Case Study. COMERN Annual Meeting.
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Barkay,T, J. K. Schaefer , A.J. Poulain, M. Amyot. Microbial transformations in the mercury geochemical cycle. 15th conference annuelle “Goldschmidt”. 20-25 Mai 2005, Moscow, Idaho, USA.
Lean, D., N. Lahoutifard, S. Perin, M. Sparling, L. Loseto, S. Scott, P. Ariya, M. Amyot, S. Siciliano, N. O'Driscoll. The combined effects of climate change, acid rain and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on mercury contamination of Arctic ecosystems. ACIA, Rykyavik, Iceland.
Hamelin, S., D. Planas, M. Amyot. 2005. Que font les epiphytes du lac St-Pierre avec notre mercure ? Midi-Aquatiques de l’UQAM.
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Amyot, M., C. Beauvais, S. Caron, P. Constant, S. DeGrosBois, D. Gabrovska, H. Godmaire, D. Lean, L. Fisher-Rousseau, S. Garceau, E. Garcia, S. Gérome, V. Girard, R. Goulet, S. Hamelin, R. Harris, J. Hill, K. Hindle, J. Holmes, J. Laroulandie, M. Lucotte, D. Mergler, N. Milot, M. Nugent, O. Nwobo, B. Page, M. Pilote, D. Planas, L. Poissant, N. Roy, L. Sauvé, S. Siciliano, C. Vanier, F. Wang, H. Zhang, J. Zhang. 2004. The St. Lawrence River Case Study: linking biogeochemistry, health and environmental education. 7th International Conference of Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Slovenia.
Poulain, A., D. Orihel, M. Amyot, M. Paterson, G. Southworth, H. Hintelmann. 2004. Dissolved gaseous mercury formation and evasion in boreal lake enclosures spiked with inorganic mercury. 7th International Conference of Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Slovenia.
Garcia, E., X. R. St-Simon, B. Yaakoubd, M. Amyot. 2004. The relationship between Hg(II) photoreduction and DOC fluorescence in clear and humic waters. 7th International Conference of Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Slovenia.
Southworth, G., S. Lindberg, M. Bogle, M. Amyot, A. Poulain, H. Hintelmann, M. Olsen, K. Sandilands. 2004. Isotopic tracer studies of volatilization of mercury from a north temperate lake. 7th International Conference of Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Slovenia.
Zhang, H.H., L. Poissant, X. Xu, M. Pilote, C. Beauvais, M. Amyot, E. Garcia, J. Laroulandie. 2004. Mercury water-gas exchanges: modelled vs. observed in the Baie Saint-François wetlands. 7th International Conference of Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Slovenia.
Hintelmann, Holger, Marc Amyot, Bob Flett, Cynthia C. Gilmour, Andrew Heyes, James P. Hurley, David P. Krabbenhoft, Steve Lindberg & Vincent L. St.Louis. 2004. Results from the METAALICUS intercalibration program on measuring ambient and excess isotopic concentrations of HgT and MeHg in environmental samples. 7th International Conference of Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Slovenia.
Hamelin, S., D. Planas, M. Amyot. 2004. What happens to mercury, once trapped by epiphytic biofilm? CSL, St. John’s, Canada.
Hamelin, S., D. Planas, M. Amyot 2004. Do epiphytes contribute to mercury accumulation and methylation ? Congrès annuel du Groupe de Recherche Inter-universitaire en Limnologie, GRIL => Prix pour la meilleure présentation sous forme d’affiche.
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Amyot, M. 2003. Linking science to policy : the case of the St. Lawrence River. Conférence plénière invitée. International conference on the St. Lawrence River, Cornwall, Canada.
Sarica, J., M. Amyot, J. Bey, L. Hare. 2003. Accumulation et perte de mercure par les larves nécrophages calliphoridés (diptère). 7e Colloque annuel du Chapitre Saint-Laurent SETAC-SRA, Montréal, Canada.
Garcia, E., Amyot, M., J. Laroulandie, B. Yaakoubd. 2003. Elemental mercury cycling in wetlands. ICHMET, Grenoble, France.
Sarica J, M. Amyot, L. Hare. 2003. Hg transfer from fish carcasses to terrestrial insects. ICHMET, Grenoble, France.
Amyot, M., J.D. Lalonde, P.A. Ariya, A. Dastoor. 2003. Photoredox processes in snow. ICHMET, Grenoble, France.
Amyot, M. 2003. Le mercure, ce grand voyageur. Symposium du département de sciences biologiques de l’Université de Montréal.
Poulain, A., M. Amyot. 2003. La problématique du mercure dans l’environnement: cas d’un projet binational Canada/États-Unis: METAALICUS. Symposium du département de sciences biologiques de l’Université de Montréal.
Laroulandie, J., M. Amyot, E. Garcia, X. St-Simon. 2003. DGM profile in a St. Lawrence River wetland: the role of macrophytes. International Symposium on aquatic geochemistry, Gananoque,
Amyot, M. 2003. Fate of Hg in fish carcasses labelled with stable mercury isotopes. Atelier METAALICUS, Solomons, Maryland, Etats-Unis.
Hamelin, S., J. Laroulandie, D. Planas, M. Amyot. 2003. Rôle des épiphytes dans l'accumulation et la méthylation du mercure. Congrès annuel du Groupe Interuniversitaire en Limnologie (GRIL).
Hamelin, S., J. Laroulandie, D. Planas, M. Amyot. 2003. Role of epiphytes on mercury accumulation and methylation. Congrès annuel du Centre de Recherche en Géochimie et Géodynamique, GEOTOP.
Hamelin, S., J. Laroulandie, D. Planas, M. Amyot. 2003. Rôle des épiphytes dans l’accumulation et la méthylation du mercure. Conférence Internationale des Limnologues d’Expression Française, CILEF.
Hamelin, S., D. Planas, M. Amyot 2003. What happens to mercury once trapped by epiphytic biofilm ? COMERN Annual Meeting.
Hamelin, S., D. Planas, M. Amyot 2003. What happens to mercury once trapped by epiphytic biofilm ? Midi-Aquatiques de l’UQAM.
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Amyot, M. 2002. Photoredox transformations of Hg in snow of the High Arctic. Conférence invitée. Atelier international sur le mercure dans l’Arctique, Toronto, Canada.
Amyot, M., G. Southworth, S.E. Lindberg, H. Hintelmann, J.D. Lalonde, F.M.M. Morel, C. Gilmour, J.W.M. Rudd, C.A. Kelly, R. Harris, A. Poulain, K. Sandilands. 2002. Evolution of dissolved gaseous mercury in large enclosures amended with a stable isotope of mercury. ASLO, Victoria, B.C., Canada.
Sarica, J., M. Amyot, L. Hare, L. Stanfield. 2002. The role of fish carcasses on Hg cycling in aquatic systems. ASLO, Victoria, B.C., Canada.
Poulain, A.J., M. Amyot, H. Hintelmann, S.E. Lindberg, J. Rudd, R. Harris. 2002. Photochemical and photobiological formation of dissolved gaseous mercury in a lake spiked with three different stable isotopes. ASLO, Victoria, B.C., Canada.
Amyot, M., P.A. Ariya. 2002. Mercury recycling at environmental interfaces. IAGLR, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
Sarica, J., M. Amyot, L. Hare, M.-R. Doyon, L. Stanfield. 2002. The role of fish carcasses on Hg cycling in aquatic systems. IAGLR, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
de Saint-Simon X., Amyot, M., Auclair J.C. 2002. Monthly and diel variations of Hg profiles in a shield lake: possible biological control of Hg profiles in the epilimnion. COMERN, Keene, ON, Canada.
Hamelin, S., J. Laroulandie, D. Planas, M. Amyot. 2002. The St-Lawrence River : Case Study 2. Roles of macrophyte biofilms on mercury accumulation and methylation. COMERN, Keene, ON, Canada.
Poulain, A., D. Orihel, P. Blanchfield, M. Amyot, M. Paterson. 2002. Dissolved gaseous mercury formation in enclosures spiked with increasing load of Hg(II). COMERN, Keene, ON, Canada.
Yaakoubd, B., E. Garcia, M. Amyot. 2002. DOC fluorescence: A variable to be integrated in mercury models. COMERN, Keene, ON, Canada.
Garcia, E., Xavier R. St-Simon, M. Amyot 2002. Diurnal and seasonal trend of dissolved gaseous mercury in the Bay St.-François wetland. COMERN, Keene, ON, Canada.
Garcia, E., B. Yakoubi, M. Amyot. 2002. The role of DOC in the formation of dissolved gaseous mercury. COMERN, Keene, ON, Canada.
Laroulandie, J., M. Amyot, E. Garcia, D. Planas, S. Hamelin. 2002. Contribution to the case study on the St. Lawrence River (Project 3.2.4.)Mercury cycling in a St. Lawrence River wetland: the role of macrophytes. COMERN, Keene, ON, Canada.
Amyot, M., P. Constant, S. DeGrosBois, H. Godmaire, D. Lean, L. Fisher-Rousseau, S. Garceau, E. Garcia, R. Goulet, S. Hamelin, J. Holmes, J. Laroulandie, M. Lucotte, D. Mergler, M. Pilote, D. Planas, L. Poissant, N. Roy, S. Siciliano, X. St-Simon, A. Tessier, F. Wang, B. Yaakoubd. 2002. Case Study 2: The St. Lawrence River. Keene, ON, Canada.
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Gilmour, C.C., M. Amyot, P. Blanchfield, R. Harris, H. Hintelmann, C. Kelly, M. Paterson, C. Podemski, J.W.M. Rudd. 2001. Fate of stable Hg isotope additions to lake enclosures: METAALICUS 2000 limnocorral studies. International Conference on Hg as a Global Pollutant, Minamata, Japan.
Amyot, M., J.D. Lalonde, L. Poissant. 2001. Temporal variations in Hg and major ion concentrations in surface snow following a Hg depletion event in Northern Quebec. International Conference on Hg as a Global Pollutant, Minamata, Japan.
Lalonde, J.D., M. Amyot. 2001. The role of Hg redox reactions on snow-to-air Hg transfer. International Conference on Hg as a Global Pollutant, Minamata, Japan.
Lalonde, J.D., M. Amyot, F.M.M Morel, J. Orvoine, J.C. Auclair. Action spectra of Hg(0) photooxidation in brackish waters. 2001. International Conference on Hg as a Global Pollutant, Minamata, Japan.
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Lindberg, S.E., G. Southworth, H. Hintelmann, V. St. Louis, D. Krabbenhoft, W. Dong, M. Amyot. 2000. METAALICUS, a whole ecosystem mercury isotope dosing study: initial measurements of mercury emissions from upland and weland sites. SETAC 2000, Nashville.
Lalonde, J.D., A. Poulain, M. Amyot. 2000. Mercury in snow. International conference on Metals in the Environment, Michigan.
Lalonde, J.D., A. Poulain, M. Amyot. 2000.Dynamique du Hg dans la neige. SETAC Saint-Laurent, Québec.
Désy J., B. Pinel-Alloul, P.G.C. Campbell, M. Amyot. 2000. Interspecies differences in Cd concentrations in phytophilous macroinvertebrates from the St. Lawrence River, and relationships with their environment. SETAC Saint-Laurent, Québec.
Lalonde, J.D., M. Amyot, A.M.L. Kraepiel, F.M.M. Morel. 2000. Hg(0) photooxidation in fresh and salt waters. Hydrolab/IAGLR Award to JDL for best talk. IAGLR 2000 Conference, Cornwall, ON.
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Lalonde, J.D. M. Amyot, F.M.M. Morel. 1999. Oxidation of Hg(0) in aquatic systems. SETAC 1999, Philadelphia.
Amyot, M., D.R.S. Lean, L. Poissant. 1999. Distribution and transformation of volatile Hg0 in Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River. SETAC 1999, Philadelphia.
Poissant, L., M. Pilote, M. Amyot, D. Lean. 1999. Mercury water-air exchange over the Upper St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario. International Conference on mercury as a global pollutant, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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Amyot, M., D.R.S. Lean and G. Mierle. Elemental mercury cycling in Lake Erie. 1998 IAGLR Conference on Great Lakes Research, Hamilton, Canada, May 1998.
Amyot, M., The fate of elemental mercury in the St. Lawrence River. Conference on the St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence River Institute for Environmental Studies, Cornwall, Canada, 27 January 1998.
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Amyot, M., G. Mierle, D.R.S. Lean, G.A. Gill et D.J. McQueen. Modeling the effect of light on volatile mercury production in lakes. Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, 4-8 August 1996, Hambourg, Germany.
McQueen D.J., G. Mierle, B.M. Petri, E. Demers, C. Ramcharan, A.H.K. Wong, M. Amyot, N.D. Yan, S.A. Popiel, A.M. Rocchi, K. Hughes et S. Sutey. Trophic-level comparisons of total mercury concentrations and pool sizes in two lakes with contrasting food web structures. Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, 4-8 August 1996, Hambourg, Germany.
Bentzen E., D.R.S. Lean, D. Mackay et M. Amyot. Mercury in Ontario lake trout: role of food webs and watershed characteristics. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Meeting, 16-20 June 1996, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Amyot, M., D.R.S. Lean, G. Mierle et G.A. Gill. Reduction and oxidation of mercury in freshwater and saltwater. Conference of the St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences, mai 1996, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada.
Amyot, M., G. Mierle, D.R.S. Lean et D.J. McQueen. Photoinduced volatilization of mercury from arctic and temperate lakes. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Meeting, 11-15 June 1995, Reno, Nevada, USA.
Amyot, M., G. Mierle, D.R.S. Lean et D.J. McQueen. Sunlight-induced formation of dissolved gaseous mercury in natural waters. Conference of the Electrical Power Research Institute on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, 11-15 July, 1994, Whistler, BC., Canada.