The municipality of Aljustrel housed the project during the 2007 and 2008 field seasons. Members of the Cámara Municipal were extremely helpful to the team and local support for the project was both welcome and encouraging as the team endured fieldwork during the heat of summer (summer temperatures in Alentejo can easily reach 40C+).
We gratefully acknowledge the material support offered to this project by IGESPAR, notably by their regional offices (Campo Verde, Alentejo) with special thanks to Manuela de Deus. The Cámara Municipal de Aljustrel generously supported the project and special thanks are due Carlos Pedro. The SRDS project benefited from the collaboration of several people over the years who have yet not be mentioned, including: Dr. Nelson Almeida (IPPAR), Dr. Adrian Burke (U. de Montréal), Ms. Marylin Bisson (Marianopolis College), Dr. Gloria Lopez and Prof. Jack Rink (McMaster University), Maria Salvador, and many student volunteers who worked with us over the years including: Hugo de Bolle Verissimo, Carolina Mendosa da Silva, Jorge Correia, Frédérick Hottin, and Joanna Silva. We wish to take this opportunity to thank these people for their hard work and dedication in the field. Friends and colleagues in Lisbon have been instrumental in helping the project over the years and we are particularly grateful to Dr. S. Davis (IGESPAR) as well as Sara Ramos (Museu Municipal de Ferreira do Alentejo) and Artur Martins (Museu Municipal de Aljustrel).
This project would not have been possible without the financial support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.