Selected publications are hot-linked to PDF's.
- Sackville, M.A.,
Cameron, C.B., Brauner, C.J. 2024. Gills are not
used for gas exchange in the suspension feeding hemichordate
Protoglossus graveolens.
In review.
- Beli, E., Giotta, L., Guascito, M.R., Miyamoto, N.,
Natsidis, P., Pagliara, P., Schiffer, P.H., Telford, M.J.,
Piraino, S., Cameron, C.B. 2024. The chemical composition
of the tubes of the graptolite Rhabdopleura recondita
(Pterobranchia, Hemichordata). In review.
- Yang, X., Kimmig, J., Cameron, C.B., Nanglu, K., Kimmig,
S.R., de Carle, D., Zhang, C., Yu, M., Peng, S. 2024. An early
Cambrian pelago-benthic acorn worm and the origin of the
Ambulacrarian larva. Palaeontologia Electronica,
- Letendre, F., Serrano Ramos, P.A., Cameron, C.B. 2023.
The loss of
crude oil droplets by filter feeders and the
role of surfactants. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 193,
- Jabr, N., Gonzalez, P., Kocot, K.M., Cameron, C.B. 2023.
The embryology, metamorphosis, and muscle development of
Schizocardium karankawa sp. nov. (Enteropneusta)
from the Gulf of Mexico. EvoDevo, doi
- Beli, E., De Castro Mendonça, L. M., Piraino, S., Cameron,
C. B. 2022. On the development and morphological invariability
of the graptolite Rhabdopleura recondita tubes in
response to water flow velocity. Diversity, 14(12): 1080.
- Letendre, F., Serrano Ramos, P.A., Cameron, C.B. 2022.
The loss of crude oil droplets by filter feeders. 1–12,
Proceedings of the 44th AMOP Technical Seminar in
Environmental Contamination and Response.
- Larouche-Bilodeau, C., Cameron, C.B. 2022. Acorn worm
ossicle ultrastructure and composition and the origin of the
echinoderm skeleton. Royal Society Open Science, 9(9), 220773.
- Letendre, F., Cameron, C.B. 2022. The capture of crude oil
droplets by filter feeders at high and low Reynolds numbers. Journal
of Experimental Biology 225 (8), jeb243819 (Inside JEB jeb244371)
- Álvarez-Armada, N., Cameron, C.B., Bauer, J.E., Rahman, I.A.
2022. Heterochrony and parallel evolution of echinoderm,
hemichordate and cephalochordate gills. Proceedings of
the Royal Society of London, B.
- Ramírez-Guerrero, G.M., Cameron, C.B. 2021. Systematics and
evolution of pterobranchs from the Cambrian Period Burgess
Shales of Canada. Bulletin of Geosciences, 96(1):
1–18, doi.10.3140/bull.geosci.1797
- Ramírez-Guerrero, G.M., Kocot, K.M., Cameron, C.B. 2020.
Zooid morphology and molecular phylogeny of the graptolite Rhabdopleura
annulata (Hemichordata, Pterobranchia) from Heron
Island, Australia. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 98
(12): 844–849,
- Barazandeh, M., Cameron, C.B., Miyashita, T. 2020.
Zoological Endeavors Inspired by A. Richard Palmer. Canadian
Journal of Zoology, doi.10.1139/cjz-2020-0273
- Larouche-Bilodeau, C., Guilbeault-Mayers, X., Cameron, C.B.
2020. Filter feeding, deviations from bilateral symmetry,
developmental noise, and heterochrony of hemichordate and
cephalochordate gills. Ecology and Evolution,
- Nanglu, K, Caron, J.-B., Cameron, C.B. 2020. Cambrian
tentaculate worms and the origin of the hemichordate body
plan. Current Biology, doi.10.1016/j.cub.2020.07.078 (ScienceMag, ROM, ScienceDaily,, EurekaAlert)
- Letendre, F., Mehrabian, S., Etienne, S., Cameron, C.B.
2020. The interactions of oil droplets with filter feeders: A
fluid mechanics approach. Marine Environmental Research,
- Vo, M., Mehrabian, S., Etienne, S., Pelletier, D., Cameron,
C.B. 2019. The hemichordate pharynx and gill pores impose
functional constraints at small and large body sizes. Biological
Journal of the Linnean Society, 127(1): 75–87, doi.10.1093/biolinnean/blz005
- Luque J., R.M. Feldmann, O. Vernygora, C.E. Schweitzer, C.B.
Cameron, K.A. Kerr, F.J. Vega, A. Duque, M. Strange, A.R.
Palmer, C. Jaramillo. 2019. Exceptional preservation of
mid-Cretaceous marine arthropods and the evolution of novel
forms via heterochrony. Science Advances, 5 eaav3875. (Radio-Canada, National Geographic, Globe & Mail, New Scientist, The Guardian, The Washington Post, News Week)
- Jabr, N., Archambault, P., Cameron, C.B. 2018. Biogeography
and adaptations of torquaratorid acorn worms (Hemichordata:
Enteropneusta) including two new species from the Canadian
Arctic. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 96(11):
1221-1229, doi.10.1139/cjz-2017-0214
- Vo, M., Mehrabian, S., Villalpando, F., Etienne, S.,
Pelletier, D., Cameron, C.B. 2018. The fluid dynamics of Balanus
glandula cirri: Adaptations to sheltered and exposed
habitats. Journal of Biomechanics, 71: 225–235, doi.10.1016/j.jbiomech.2018.02.011
- Mehrabian, S., Letendre, F., Cameron, C.B. 2018. The
mechanisms of filter feeding on oil droplets: Theoretical
considerations. Marine Environmental Research, 135:
29–42, doi.10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.01.006
- Beli, E., Aglieri, G., Strano, S., Maggioni, D., Telford,
M.J., Piraino, S., Cameron, C.B. 2018. The zoogeography of
extant rhabdopleurid hemichordates (Pterobranchia:
Graptolithina), with a new species from the Mediterranean Sea.
Invertebrate Systematics, 32: 100–110, doi.10.1071/IS17021
- Comeau, A., Bishop, C.D. , Cameron, C.B. 2017. Intraspecific variation of ossicle development
of the crinoid Florometra serratissima through
larval stages. Canadian Journal of Zoology,
95(3): 183–192, doi.10.1139/cjz-2016-0195
- Beli, E., Piraino, S., Cameron. C.B. 2017. Fossilization
processes of graptolites: Insights from the experimental decay
of Rhabdopleura sp. (Pterobranchia). Palaeontology,
60(3): 389–400, doi.10.1111/pala.12290
- Nanglu, K, Caron, J.-B., Conway Morris, S., Cameron, C.B.
2016. Cambrian suspension-feeding tubicolous enteropneusts. BMC
Biology, 14: 56, dio.10.1186/s12915-016-0271-4 (NY Times, BBC, Daily Mail, ROM, Univ. Toronto, Univ. Cambridge, Globe & Mail, Radio-Canada, CBC, Calgary Herald, Huffington Post, EuropaPress, RedOrbit, LiveScience).
- Cameron, C.B. 2016. Saccoglossus testa from the
Mazon Creek fauna (Pennsylvanian of Illinois) and the
evolution of acorn worms (Enteropneusta: Hemichordata). Palaeontology,
59(3): 329–336, dio.10.1111/pala.12235
- Simakov, O., Kawashima, T., Marlétaz, F., Jenkins, J.,
Koyanagi, R., Mitros, T., Hisata, K., Bredeson, J., Shoguchi,
E., Gyoja, F., Yue, J-X., Chen,Y-C., Freeman, R., Sasaki, A.,
Hikosaka-Katayama, T., Sato, A., Fujie, M., Baughman, K.,
Levine, J., Gonzalez, P., Cameron, C., Fritzenwanker, J.,
Pani, A., Goto, H., Kanda, M., Arakaki, N., Yamasaki, S., Qu,
J., Cree, A., Ding, Y., Dinh, H., Dugan, S., Holder, M.,
Jhangiani, S., Kovar, C., Lee, S., Lewis, L., Morton, D.,
Nazareth, L., Okwuonu, G., Santibanez, J., Chen, R., Richards,
S., Muzny, D., Gillis, A., Peshkin, L., Wu, M., Humphreys, T.,
Su, Y-H., Putnam, N., Schmutz, J., Fujiyama, A., Yu, Jr-K.,
Tagawa, K., Worley, K., Gibbs, R., Kirschner, M., Lowe, C.,
Satoh, N., Rokhsar, D., Gerhart, J. 2015. Hemichordate genomes
and deuterostome origins. Nature, 527: 459–465,
doi.10.1038/nature16150 (Nature News & Views, GenomeWeb, Berkeley News, HuffingtonPost, ScienceDaily, DailyMailUK,
EuropaPressSpain,,,, TechTimes, MarketBusinessNews,
BiologyNewsNet, LiveScience, NatureWorldNews, IBTimes,
- Egger, B., F. Lapraz, B. Tomiczek, S. Müller, C. Dessimoz,
J. Girstmair, N. Skunca, C.B. Cameron, E. Beli, M.A. Todaro,
M. Gammoudi, C. Noreña, M.J. Telford. 2015. A
transcriptomic-phylogenomic analysis of the evolutionary
relationships of flatworms. Current Biology, 25(10):
1347–1353, doi.10.1016/j.cub.2015.03.034
- Nanglu, K., Caron, J-B. and Cameron, C.B. 2015. Using
experimental decay of modern forms to reconstruct the early
evolution and morphology of fossil enteropneusts. Paleobiology,
41(3): 460-478, doi.10.1017/pab.2015.11
- Telford, M.J., Lowe, C.J., Cameron, C.B., Ortega-Martinez,
O., Aronowicz, J., Oliveri, P., Copley, R.R. 2014.
Phylogenomic analysis of echinoderm class relationships
supports Asterozoa. Proceedings of the Royal Society of
London, B. 281(1786), doi.10.1098/rspb.2014.0479
- Caron, J.-B., Conway Morris, S. and Cameron, C.B. 2013.
Tubicolous enteropneusts from the Cambrian. Nature,
7442: 503-506, doi.10.1038/nature12017 (UdeM
Nouvelles, Nature News & Views, Science, BBC, Radio
Canada, CTV, CBC,
Geographic, El
Mundo, Daily
MailUK, Quantum
Day, ABC.Australia,
Post, Wired.UK,
Daily, RedOrbit,
World News, io9,
Herald, Vancouver
Sun, Times
Colonist, Global
- Cameron, C.B. and Ostiguy, A. 2013. Three new species of Glossobalanus
(Hemichordata: Enteropneusta: Ptychoderidae) from western
North America. Zootaxa, 3630 (1): 143-154. PDF
- Mitchell, C.E, Melchin, J.M., Cameron, C.B, and Maletz, J.
2013. Phylogeny of the tube-building Hemichordata reveals that
Rhabdopleura is an extant graptolite. Lethaia,
46: 34–56, doi.10.1111 ⁄ j.1502-3931. 2012.00319 (Discovery
News, Science
Daily, Red
- Cameron, C.B. and Perez, M. 2012. Spengelidae (Hemichordata:
Enteropneusta) from the eastern Pacific including a new
species, Schizocardium californicum, from
California. Zootaxa, 3569: 79-88. PDF
- Gonzalez, P. and Cameron C.B. 2012. The ultrastructure of
the coenecium of Cephalodiscus (Hemichordata:
Pterobranchia). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 90(10):
1261-1269, doi.10.1139/z2012-096. PDF
- Luque, J., Feldmann, R.M., Schweitzer, C.E., Jaramillo, C.
and Cameron, C.B. 2012. The oldest frog crabs (Crustacea:
Decapoda: Brachyura) from the Aptian of northern South
America. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 32(3):
405-420. PDF
- Cameron, C.B. and Bishop, C.D. 2012. Biomineral
ultrastructure, elemental constitution and genomic analysis of
biomineralization-related proteins in hemichordates. Proceedings
of the Royal Society of London, B., 279(1740):
3041-3048. PDF
- Cameron, C.B., Deland, C. and Bullock, T.H. 2010. A
taxonomic revision of the genus Saccoglossus
(Hemichordata: Enteropneusta) with descriptions of five new
species from the eastern Pacific. Zootaxa, 2483:
1-22. PDF
- Deland, C., Cameron, C.B., Bullock, T.H., Rao, K.P. and
Ritter, W.E. 2010. A taxonomic revision of the family
Harrimaniidae (Hemichordata: Enteropneusta) with descriptions
of seven species from the eastern Pacific. Zootaxa,
2408: 1-30. PDF
- Etienne, S., Garon, A., Pelletier, D. and Cameron, C.B.
2010. Philidium gregarum vs. Aurelia aurita:
on propulsion efficiency in jellyfish. American Institute
of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 1-8. PDF
- Cameron, C.B. Flawed climate data does not impact scientific
consensus. A critique of "Flawed climate data" by Ross
McKitrick. National Post, published on-line, Oct. 2,
2009. PDF
- Cameron, C.B. Common and Scientific Names of Aquatic
Invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Hemichordata
& Cephalochordata. American Fisheries Society Special
Publication, 1-6.
- Gonzalez, P. and Cameron, C.B. 2009. The gill slits and
pre-oral ciliary organ of Protoglossus
(Hemichordata: Enteropneusta) are filter-feeding structures. Biological
Journal of the Linnean Society, 98: 898-906. PDF
- Etienne, S., Garon, A., Pelletier, D. and Cameron, C.B.
2009. Aurelia aurita ’s flight: a Finite Element
Model of a jellyfish self propulsion. American Institute
of Aeronautics and Astronautics from the 47th AIAA
meeting. 1-14.
- Cameron, C.B. 2005. A phylogeny of the hemichordates based
on morphological characters. Canadian Journal of Zoology,
83(1): 196-215. PDF
- Cameron, C.B. 2002. The anatomy, life habits and later
development of a new species of enteropneust, Harrimania
planktophilus (Hemichordata: Harrimaniidae) from Barkley
Sound. Biological Bulletin, 202: 182-191. PDF
- Cameron, C.B. 2002. Particle retention and flow in the
pharynx of the enteropneust worm Harrimania planktophilus:
the filter feeding pharynx may have evolved prior to the
chordates. Biological Bulletin, 202:192-200. PDF
- Winchell, C.J., J. Sullivan, C.B. Cameron, B.J. Swalla, and
J. Mallatt. 2002. Evaluating hypotheses of deuterostome
phylogeny and chordate evolution with new LSU and SSU
ribosomal DNA data. Molecular Biology and Evolution,
19(5): 762-776. PDF
- Cameron, C.B., B.J. Swalla and J.R. Garey. 2000. Evolution
of the chordate body plan: New insights from phylogenetic
analysis of deuterostome phyla. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences (USA), 97(9): 4469-4474. PDF
- Swalla, B.J., C.B. Cameron, L.S. Corley and J.R. Garey.
2000. Urochordates are monophyletic within the deuterostomes.
Systematic Biology 49(1): 52-64. PDF
- Ruppert, E.E., C.B. Cameron and J.E. Frick. 1999.
Endostyle-like features of the dorsal epibranchial ridge of an
enteropneust and the hypothesis of dorsal-ventral axis
inversion in chordates. Invertebrate Biology, 118(2):
202-212. PDF
- Cameron, C.B., G.O. Mackie, J.F.F. Powell and N.M. Sherwood.
1999. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone in mulberry cells of Saccoglossus
(Hemichordata: Enteropneusta). General and Comparative
Endocrinology, 114: 2-10. PDF
- Cameron, C.B. and G.O. Mackie. 1996. Conduction-pathways in
the nervous system of Saccoglossus sp.
(Enteropneusta). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 74:
15-19. PDF
- Cameron, C. B. 2023. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology,
Part V, Hemichordata. Chapter 2: Class Enteropneusta:
Introduction, morphology, life habits, systematic
descriptions, and future research. 5-16, 8 fig.
- Maletz, J. & Cameron, C. B. 2023. Treatise on
Invertebrate Paleontology, Part V, Hemichordata. Chapter 3:
Introduction to Class Pterobranchia Lankester, 1877. 17-28, 8
- Cameron, C. B. 2023. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology,
Part V, Hemichordata. Clasification of the Enteropneusta.
- Maletz, J. & Cameron, C. B. 2023. Treatise on
Invertebrate Paleontology, Part V, Hemichordata.
Classification of Pterobranchia. 194-195.
- Maletz, J. & Cameron, C. B. 2021. Part V, Hemichordata.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Hemichordata. Treatise Online, 157:
1-9, 2 fig. PDF
- Cameron, C. B. 2018. Part V, Hemichordata. Chapter 2: Class
Enteropneusta: Introduction, morphology, life habits,
systematic descriptions, and future research. Treatise Online,
109: 1-24, 8 fig. PDF
- Maletz, J. & Cameron, C. B. 2016. Part V, Hemichordata.
Chapter 3: Introduction to Class Pterobranchia Lankester,
1877. Treatise Online 82: 1-15, 8 fig. PDF
- Garey, J.R., Cameron, C.B., Halanych, K.M., Servin, J.A.
& La, Pke, J. A. 2020. Deuterostomia. Pp.
623-628 in Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode (K. de Queiroz, P. D. Cantino, and J.
A. Gauthier, eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- Cameron, C.B. & Nanglu, K. 2020. Ambulacraria.
Pp. 629-630 in Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode
(K. de Queiroz, P. D. Cantino, and J. A. Gauthier, eds.). CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- Cameron, C.B. & Beli, E. 2020. Hemichordata.
Pp. 631-632 in Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode
(K. de Queiroz. D. Cantino, and J. A. Gauthier, eds.). CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- Cameron, C.B. & Jabr, N. 2020. Enteropneusta.
Pp. 633-635 in Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode. (K.
de Queiroz, P. D. Cantino, and J. A. Gauthier, eds.). CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- Melchin, J.M. & Cameron, C.B. 2020. Pterobranchia.
Pp. 637-639 in Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode
(K. de Queiroz, P. D. Cantino, and J. A. Gauthier, eds.). CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- Cameron, C.B. 2020. Chordata. Pp. 661-662 in Phylonyms:
A Companion to the PhyloCode (K. de Queiroz, P. D.
Cantino, and J. A. Gauthier, eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- Cameron, C.B. 2020. Cephalochordata. Pp. 663-664
in Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode
(K. de Queiroz, P. D. Cantino, and J. A. Gauthier, eds.). CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- Cameron, C.B. & Swalla, B.J. 2020. Tunicata.
Pp 665-666 in Phylonyms: A Companion to the PhyloCode
(K. de Queiroz, P. D. Cantino, and J. A. Gauthier, eds.). CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL.
- Cameron, C.B. 2009. Cephalochordata. Pp. 1205-1208
in Gulf of Mexico – Its Origins, Waters, and Biota.
(Felder, D.F. and D.K. Camp). Texas A&M University Press,
College Station, Texas.
- Cameron, C.B. 2009. Hemichordata. Pp. 1173-1176 in
Gulf of Mexico – Its Origins, Waters, and Biota.
(Felder, D.F. and D.K. Camp). Texas A&M University Press,
College Station, Texas.
- Woodwick, K.H. & C.B. Cameron. 2007. Phylum
Hemichordata, Class Enteropneusta. Pp. 909-912 in The
Light and Smith Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates
from Central California to Oregon. Fourth Edition. (
James T. Carlton). University of California Press, Berkeley
and Los Angeles.
- Cameron, C.B. 2006. The Emergence of Shape. A book review of
'Mechanisms of Morphogenesis: The Creation of Biological Form'
by Jamie A. Davies. BioScience, 56(10): 851-852.