Return date:
Name : ________________________________________________________________________________ |
Title : ________________________________________________________________________________ |
Address : _____________________________________________________________________________ |
City : _____________________________ |
State/Province : ________________________ |
Country : ____________________________ |
Zip code/Postal code :________________________ |
Telephone : ________________________ |
Fax :_______________________________ |
Telex : ____________________________ |
Electronic mail : __________________ |
Language(s) of communication :_____________________________________________________________________ |
Name of institution : ________________________________________________________________ |
Parent institution(if affiliated) :____________________________________________________________ |
Address : _____________________________________________________________________________ |
City : _____________________________ |
State/Province : ________________________ |
Country : _____________________________ |
Zip code/Postal code :_______________________ |
Telephone : _________________________ |
Fax :_______________________________ |
Telex : _____________________________ |
Electronic mail : __________________ |
Identify the approximate percentage of your time you devoted during the last year to research, to teaching, to professional practice, and to administrative tasks.
____ % Research |
____ % Teaching |
____ % Professional practice |
____ % Administrative task |
What is the object of your research? (Check as many as are applicable)
Current records |
Semi-current records |
Historical records |
What type of research do you conduct ?
Basic research |
Applied research |
Other (specify) : ___________________________________________________ |
Which ones of the areas listed correspond to your research activities? (Check as many as are applicable)
Object and aim of archival science
Archives as .......... (information/documents/archives) |
Purpose of archival science (conservation, access, administrative effectiveness, etc.) |
Utility of archives (administrative and research uses) |
Archives and society
Social role and status of the archivist in society |
Archival science as discipline: its place in human knowledge |
Archival science as profession: status of the archivist and relationships with |
other professions |
History of archives and of archival science
History of archives (institutions, repositories, etc.) |
Development of archival principles |
(records groups, principle of provenance, the life cycle, etc.) |
Archival functions
Creation |
Appraisal |
Acquisition |
Classification |
Description |
Conservation |
Accessibility |
Management of archival programs and services
Theory and practice of organizations |
Program planning and evaluation |
(needs analysis, feasibility studies, management statistics, implementation strategies, etc.) | |
Human resources management |
Accounting and financial (fiscal administration, resource development, etc.) |
Archives buildings and real estate |
Marketing and public relations |
Computerised archives management |
Information systems |
Telecommunications and networks |
Supports and types of archival records. (Check to complete an archival function. For example, for the topic « Electronic records appraisal», check both appraisal and electronic records).
Audiovisual records (sound recording and motion pictures) |
Electronic records |
Iconographic records (photographs, maps and plans, etc.) |
Textual records |
Microforms (microfilms, microfiches, etc.) |
Other media or types of archival records (specify): ______________________________ |
Types of institutions. (Check to complete an archival function. For example, for the topic « Church archives appraisal», check both appraisal and church institutions).
National public institutions |
Regional public institutions |
Local public institutions |
Educational institutions |
Health institutions |
Church institutions |
Commercial and industrial institutions |
Socio-cultural and scientific institutions |
Other types of institutions (specify): ____________________________ |
Specific issues related to archives
Ethics |
Privacy protection |
Access to information |
Archives and environment |
Other issues (specify):____________________________________ |
Other research areas (specify):
_______________________________________________________________________________ |
_______________________________________________________________________________ |
Which methods do you use for your studies ?
Qualitative methods |
Quantitative methods |
Historical method |
Other method (specify): _______________________________________________ |
How do you disseminate your research results ?
Journal articles |
Monographs |
Conference papers |
Reports |
Other (specify) : ___________________________________________________ |
Language(s) used for the dissemination of research results:
French |
English |
Spanish |
Other(s) : _____________________________________ |
Please list names of organizations which have sponsored/funded your research:
____________________________________________________________________________________Identify your research projects for the next five years:
What perpectives do you see for research in archival science ?
Assigning numbers from 1 to 5 (1 being the most important), identify themes which you feel should be priorities for research in archival science during the next several years.
Thanks for your collaboration
Professor Carol Couture | |
École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information | |
Université de Montréal | Telephone : (514) 343-6119 |
C. P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville | Fax : (514) 343-5753 |
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7 CANADA | Electronic mail : |
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