Projets de Recherche>Démarrage>Médiation des artefacts techniques...
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La médiation des artefacts techniques dans la collaboration hétérogène (The Construction of Heterogeneous Collaboration in Interactions and Artefacts)

Our research focuses on the shaping of a shared space of understanding between researchers from different disciplines. We plan to examine the use of material and textual artefacts in situations of collaboration and to analyse their role in enhancing or impeding collaboration. The proposed research thus targets the following objectives :

  • to identify communication patterns and strategies involving artefacts in the development and maintenance of heterogeneous research teams;
  • to characterize artefacts which seem to promote or facilitate heterogeneous collaboration in a resesarch setting;
  • to relate the use of artefacts or types of artefacts to ends (objectives accomplished);
  • to draw lessons on the consequences of these observations for intervention in teams and organizations implementing heterogeneous collaboration.
Concretely, we will study two projects within the CITÉ, a university research center which brings together researchers from computer science, information science and communications around projets in emerging technologies. The regular meetings of different projet groups to discuss and carry out their research offers us material for analysis: interactions between professionals. Specifically we will examine how these research professionals mobilize material and textual artefacts in situations of heterogeneous collaboration .

Starting with the assumption that organization develops through the accumulation of patterns of interaction, and working within a sociology of scienctific knowledge paradigm, the proposed qualitative study combines ethnography of practices and interactions in scientific laboratories with analytic tools such as translation analysis and actor-network theory in order to situate the activites of various researchers in the contexts of their communities. Working group meetings filmed on digital video and interviews constitute the core data of this research program. It will be completed with interviews, field observation and analysis of relevant documents. From these observations, we will seek to characterize the shared artefacts and to associate them with certain interaction patterns or ends (objectives). The inventory of expectations and strategies identified in interviews and observation will allow us to class them by type (actor, artefact used, objective, outcome, situation) and to analyze them in order to understand the relationship between actor, objective, strategy and artefact.

This originality of this project is to examine heterogeneous research collaboration, an area of strategic social importance, from a perspective that has been rarely been applied to this problem (an the empirical analysis of activities and interactions) using an approach that is innovative both methodologically (video ethnography) and conceptually (a focus on the central role of objects in structuring and maintaining social relationships).