E-Mail (Mis)Management
E-mail is still the Net's most critical application
According to Forrester Research
E-mail traffic will grow to 500 million messages
per day in 2001
E-mail is the only true push technology and active medium
Can and must be integrated into a website strategy
A " No-e-mail policy" = potentially fatal competitive
Stakeholders initiate the dialogue !
They expect their e-mail questions to be answered accurately
and promptly...
According to Brightware's
2nd Annual Survey
Response Times Grow Slower at
Top US Companies...
The simple question :Who
is your CEO and how can I contact him or her ?
N.B. : Replies that did not
answer the question were noted but not counted as accurate.
The Corporate "Swift-Es" - Fastest E-mail responders
- Sears, Roebuck & Company: 9 minutes,
44 seconds
- Bell Atlantic Corporation: 11 minutes,
22 seconds
- The Dow Chemical Company: 19 minutes, 51
- Chevron Corporation: 22 minutes, 22
- Johnson & Johnson: 35 minutes,
26 seconds
- Cardinal Health: 36 minutes, 1 second
- ConAgra: 52 minutes, 48 seconds
- TIAA-CREF: 53 minutes, 44 seconds
- Texaco Incorporated: 1 hour, 25 minutes,
6 seconds
The "Tard-Es" - Slowest E-mail responders
- Chase Bank: 3 days, 8 hours, 30 minutes
- Alcoa: 3 days, 9 hours, 3 minutes
- Sysco: 3 days, 19 hours, 31 minutes
- Morgan Stanley Dean Witter: 4 days,
2 hours, 45 minutes
- GTE Company: 5 days, 19 hours, 57
- Bellsouth: 11 days, 4 hours, 3 minutes
- Coca-Cola: 14 days, 2 hours, 25 minutes
The Corporate "Snub-Es" - No e-mail answers in a month...
- Citigroup (2nd yr. in a row)
- Motorola
- American Express
- MCI WorldCom
- Intel
- AT&T
- Dell Computer
- Lucent Technologies
- Electronic Data Systems
Source : http://www.brightware.com/news/2000_2_9_EmailSurvey.html
Companies are more prepared to talk to customers than to hear from them...
about Canada ???
E-mail is the tool of choice for conversation and relationship
Presently one of the hottest issues for on-line Public
- E-mail is personalized
- E-mail is a readily available medium
- E-Mail is fast and relatively cheap
- E-mail is the perfect medium for building relationships
by maintaining a dialogue and keeping stakeholders involved
- Special reply addresses can send people to appropriate
sources and offer ways to measure the effectiveness of traditional media
- E-mail allows organizations to stay in touch with
their stakeholders
- Users of the Internet (and of the WWW in particular)
expect to be able to communicate with an organization via e-mail
Overwhelmed with large volumes of e-mail ?
Strategies and Tools for inbound and outbound
Receiving and Gathering e-mail
E-mail comes in second place (after the telephone) as
the most popular way to communicate with technology
- Companies that delay responses loose credibility
- An e-mail message and address must be seen as an
- Competition is a few clicks away...
- Team-approach to incoming mail is the best solution
(organized by function or service)
- Incoming messages are archived and can become a
knowledge base for prewritten responses
- Information can be shared with other members of
a team
- Read carefully the requests
Sending and Writing e-mail
Team Clients (built on database technology)
- Provides a framework for planning and productivity
- Allows multiple people to answer the same inbox
- No need to rely on an individual
- Team clients give organizations more control
- Incoming mail is answered more efficiently
- May be used for Group e-mailings (limited)
- Insures consistent messages
- Enables evaluation of the e-mail system
Auto-Responders ( Categories/ Advantages & Disadvantages)
Replying without the need for human intervention
(acknowledgement of receipt/prewritten message)
- E-mail is acknowledged but not really answered
- Low-cost solution to e-mail overflow
- Provides a 24 hour service with basic information
- Great to connect with web resources for basic information
(products, services, FAQ's, etc.)
- Drives a user towards the Self-Surf pull Information
- Can create standard and consistent replies
- No accurate response
- No great impact on the relationship
- Cannot measure the effectiveness
of the response
- Potential for auto-responder
- Cannot be relied as the only
e-mail strategy
Rules-based Auto-responders
- Recognizes keywords
- Integrated with database technology
- Manages large volumes of e-mail
- Can generate a "customized" reply
- Filters spam
- Inappropriate in the presence
of grammatical mistakes
- No measure
Smart Auto-responders
- Usage of Artificial Intelligence and probability
- Answers large volumes of standard requests
- Reroutes e-mail to appropriate response-types or
- Good for predictable types of e-mails
- Filters Spam
- Reduces human intervention because of greater accuracy
- A person is still needed to
evaluate the complicated requests
- No measure of efficiency
- Auto-respond to first message
only !
Bulk e-mailers (Particularly for Marketing purposes)
According to Iconocast, marketers will send 200
billion e-mails by 2004
- Best use : with database technology and lists
- Basic personalization
- Targeted messages (Reminders and follow-ups)
- E-mail lists not about to knock off direct mail
- Can be perceived as spam if not obtained by opt-in
Sequenced e-mailers
- E-mail is the perfect medium for multi-step messages
- Don't overwhelm the recipient by writing everything
at once !
- Spoon-feed your information
- Send the right information at the right time
- Good concept for Press Relations
Multi-Step e-mails create value (Support e-mails
for e-commerce)
List Server
A management system which is used to create and control
mailing lists.
An e-mail message is sent to a central mailbox - the list
server - which redistributes the message to everyone on the list.
- The user initiates the relationship (Opt-in mecanism)
- There are about 75,000 e-mail discussion lists
and newsletters
- Automated Tasks ( subscribe/unsubscribe)
Two types of list servers
1-Distribution list (one-way) information model
Press Release Operation Source : GroupAxion http://www.groupaxion.com/demo/
People will accept proactive messages
targeted according to their interest
- Challenge : Find a certain balance in frequency
of messages...
- Web sites must offer an e-mail newsletter option
- Marketing by permission or Permission based e-mail
- Regular e-mails keep stakeholders informed
2-Discussion list (two-way) communication model
- Public or private
- Differs from Usenet Newsgroups
- Every subscriber can send a message to the entire
- Goal : to foster conversation and to maintain focus
- What are people saying ?
- Great tool to monitor perceptions
- A list "owner" has responsabilities (rules, answering
questions, moderating, etc.)
- Most lists are archived on specialized web sites...
In both cases, users subscribe by giving away their e-mail
Expectation : valued information
These tools must be viewed as
an on-going relationship process
Writing effective e-mails (general rules)
Most companies don't send
enough e-mails...
- Prepare numerous prewritten e-mail responses
- Clear and brief subject lines
- Beware of familiarity and tone
- Use short and multiple paragraphs
- Integrate and provide links towards specific sections
of a web site
- Integrate anchors (inside links) if using HTML-formatted
- Use small graphics and multimedia elements, if
- Be careful with capital letters and italics
- No jargon ( acronyms or emoticons)
- Always offer an opt-out mecanism (especially for
- Beware of how Attachements are perceived (Download
time & virus)
Integrating e-mail
- E-mail may not be an isolated application anymore
- Can be integrated with other processes : databases,
web sites, e-commerce
- Special software is needed called e-mail application
systems ($$$)
- Notification, Verification, Confirmation or Cancellation
of orders
- Support follow-ups
- Cross-sell information
- Bulk and Sequenced e-mails
- Not just a communication tool anymore...but an
integrated business practice
The Branding Spiral Concept* (3-step process)
1- Traditional media is used to catch the attention and
send people to a web site
2-The web site is used to "capture" an e-mail address
(opt-in, newsletter, valued information)
3- The e-mail address is used to keep the interest,
build a relationship and invite people to return to the web site
E-mail closes the loop and starts the spiral again...
* Source : Jesse Berst's Anchor Desk (ZdNet)
This presentation is available at :
Presented on the 4 June 2000