ANT 6635 — Séminaire: Langage de femmes, langage d’hommes


ANT6635 — hiver 2008

8 JANVIER — 1. La catégorie grammaticale de genre

P. Violi “Les origines du genre grammatical”

Marina Yaguello Les mots et les femmes. (pp 91-113).

G. Corbett Gender. (pp 7-32)

15 JANVIER — 2. L’hypothèse Sapir-Whorf

Michael Silverstein “Language and the culture of gender” (Elizabeth Mertz et Richard Parmentier (éds). 1985. Semiotic mediation: Sociocultural and psychological perspectives)

Benjamin Lee Whorf. 1956/1969 “Rapports du comportement et de la pensée pragmatique avec le langage” (Linguistique et anthropologie, pp 71-120)

P. et M. Tukia “Structure linguistique et identification sexuelle chez les enfants de 16 à 42 mois: analyse psychométrique et linguistique pour tester l’hypothèse Sapir-Whorf” (G. Kassai (éd). 1990. Contrastes: La différence sexuelle dans le langage, pp 19-28)

J. Silveira “Generic masculine words and thinking” (Women’s studies international quarterly, Vol. 3, # 2. 1980. pp 165-178)

22 JANVIER — 3. Parlers féminins et parlers masculins

A. Bodine “Sexocentrisme et recherches linguistiques” (V. Aebischer et C. Forel (éds). Parlers masculins, parlers féminins, pp 41-72)

Mary Haas “Men’s and women’s speech in Koasati” (D. Hymes (éd). 1964. Language in culture and society, pp 228-234)

J. Shibamoto “The womanly woman: manipulation of stereotypical and nonstereotypical features of Japanese female speech” (Philips, Steele et Tanz (éds). Language, gender and sex in comparative perspective, pp 26-49)

29 JANVIER — 4. Sexe et phonétique: recherche variationniste

William Labov. 1990. “The interaction of sex and social class in the course of linguistic change.” Language variation and change 2, pp 205-254.

Peter Trudgill “Sexe et prestige linguistique” (Aebischer/Forel, pp 87-116)

Pierre Bourdieu. 1983. “Vous avez dit «populaire»?” (Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, # 46, mars 1983, pp 98-105)

Penelope Eckert et Sally McConnell-Ginet. 1995. “Constructing meaning, constructing selves” (Kira Hall et Mary Bucholtz (éds.) 1995. Gender articulated, pp 469-508)

5 FÉVRIER — 5. Sexe et bilinguisme

Susan Gal. 1978. “Peasant men can’t get wives: language change and sex roles in a bilingual community” Language in society 7, pp 1-16.

Jane Hill. 1987. “Women’s speech in Mexicano” (Philips/Steele/Tanz, pp 121-160)

Don Kulick. 1998. Anger, gender, language shift and the politics of revelation in a Papua New Guinea village. (Schieffelin, Wollard & Kroskrity, éds. Language ideologies: Practice and theory, pp 87-102

Helen Ulrich. 1992. “Sociolinguistic change in language attitudes: A Karnataka village study” (E. Dimock et al. Dimensions of sociolinguistics in South Asia, pp 113-130)

12 FÉVRIER — 6. Acquisition et socialisation

Bambi Schieffelin. 1990. The give and take of everyday life. language socialization of Kaluli children. Cambridge University Press. (ch. 8, pp 202-238)

E. Ochs. 1987. “The impact of stratification and socialization on men’s and women’s speech in Western Samoa” (Philips/Steele/Tanz, pp 50-70)

Elinor Ochs. 1992. “Indexing gender” (Duranti/Goodwin. Rethinking context. Cambridge University Press. pp 335-358)

M. Goodwin “Directive-response speech sequences in girls’ and boys’ task activities” (McConnell-Ginet/Borker/Furman, Women and language in literature and society, pp 157-173)

19 FÉVRIER — 7. Style conversationnel

Candace West “Stratégies de la conversation” (Aebischer/Forel, pp 141-171)

Pamela Fishman. 1983. “Interaction: the work women do” (Thorne/Kramarae/Henley (éds), Language, gender and society, pp 89-102)

P. Fishman. 1980. “Conversational insecurity”. (H. Giles, W. P. Robinson, and P. M. Smith (Eds.), Language: Social psychological perspectives, pp. 127-132). New York: Pergamon Press.

Carole Edelsky. 1992. “Who’s got the floor?” (Tannen, Gender and conversational interaction, pp 189-230)

D. Tannen. 1994. “Gender differences in conversational coherence” (Tannen, Gender & discourse, 85-135)

26 FÉVRIER — 8. “Différence” vs. “dominance”

Penelope Eckert & Sally McConnell-Ginet. 1992. “Think practically and look locally: Language and gender as community-based practice.” Annual reviews in anthropology 21, pp 461-490.

D. Tannen “The relativity of linguistic strategies: Rethinking power and solidarity in gender and dominance” (Tannen, Gender and conversational interaction, pp 165-188).

Aki Uchida. 1992. “When ‘difference’ is ‘dominance’: a critique of the ‘anti-power-based’ cultural approach to sex differences.” Language in society 21, pp 547-568.


11 MARS — 9. Politesse et pouvoir

McConnell-Ginet, Borker et Furman (éds).Women and language in literature and society.
*W. O’Barr et B. Atkins “Women’s language or powerless language?” (pp 93-110)
*P. Brown “How and why women are more polite: Some evidence from a Mayan community” (pp 111-135)

Jane Hill. 1998. “Today there is no respect”. Nostalgia, respect and oppositional discourse in Mexicano (Nahautl) language ideology. (Schieffelin, Wollard & Kroskrity, éds. Language ideologies: Practice and theory, pp 68-86.

18 MARS — 10. Discours et genre

S. Kalchik. 1975. “‘… like Ann’s gynecologist or the time I was almost raped’” (Farrer, Women and folklore, pp 3-11)

Women’s studies international quarterly, Vol. 3, # 2. 1980.

*D. Jones “Gossip: notes on women’s oral culture” (pp 193-198)

*Scott, Kathryn P. “Perceptions of Communication Competence: What's Good for the Goose Is Not Good for the Gander”. (pp 199-208)

*E. Bruner et J. Kelso “Gender differences in graffiti: a semiotic perspective” (pp 239-252)

A. Waliullah “Potiches ou moulins à paroles: réflexions sur le bavardage” (Langage et société, # 21, septembre 1982, pp 93-99)

25 MARS — 11. Thème au choix: l’Internet, les publicités, ....

1 et 8 avril. Présentation en classe des projets de recherche