Return date :
Name of department or other unit offering training in archival science : __________________________ |
___________________________________________________________________________________ |
Address : _____________________________________________________________________________ |
City : _______________________ |
State/Province : _________________________________ |
Country : __________________ |
Zip code/Postal code :_____________________________ |
Telephone : _________________ |
Fax :___________________________________________ |
Telex : _____________________ |
Electronic mail : ___________________________________ |
Name of director : ___________________________________________________________________ |
Name of parent institution : ____________________________________________________ |
Founding year of the department or other unit offering training in archival science: ___________ |
Teaching language(s) : ____________________________________________________________ |
Total number of students enrolled in the various archival educational programs in the current year (1997-1998): _____________________________
Total number of graduates of all archival educational programs for
the last five years (1993-1997): __________________________________________
Methods of marketing of archival educational programs to potential students :
Student assocation membership: |
Number of members |
Student exclusively from archival science |
_______________ |
Student from all information sciences | ________________ |
No student association specific to information sciences exists |
Nomber and status of teachers involved exclusively in archival courses :
Number |
Full-time faculty members |
____________________ |
Part-time faculty members |
____________________ |
Lecturers |
____________________ |
Number and status of teachers involved in the educational department unit :
Number |
Full-time faculty members |
____________________ |
Part-time faculty members |
____________________ |
Lecturers |
____________________ |
Identification of teaching staff. Please annex a list containing as much of the following information as possible : name, status, degrees, places and years of professional practice.
Number of persons involved in the supervision of in-service training : ______________
Number of persons employed as teaching assistants. Specify title(s) of the position.
Number |
Title of the position |
______ |
___________________________________ |
______ |
___________________________________ |
______ |
___________________________________ |
Access to a specialized library. Please give the number and types of documentations :
____ Monographs |
____ Periodicals |
______ Others (specify):_______________________________________________________ |
Physical equipment and technological facilities available :
Copy service |
Archival laboratory |
Restoration laboratory |
Computer laboratory |
Audiovisual equipment |
Other(s), specify : ______________________ |
Access to telecommunication networks |
Collaboration and use of resources :
with other department or services of parent institution |
with professional associations in archival science |
with public archive services |
with private archive services |
Please annex any pertinent documentation concerning such resources you make use of ( ex : name of the institution , type of cooperation...).
Involvement in continuing education
Yes Identify briefly activities offered :__________________________________ |
____________________________________________________________________ |
No |
Publication of specialized literature :
Yes Identify title of publications : ________________________________________ |
____________________________________________________________________ |
No |
Participation in international exchanges :
Yes Identify foreign institutions and projects :_________________________ |
____________________________________________________________________ |
____________________________________________________________________ |
No |
(please complete a copy of pages 5 to 10 for each study program)
Name of program : ____________________________________________________________ |
Name of program's director : __________________________________________________ |
Year the program began : _________________________________________________ |
Level of program :
Undergraduate level |
Master's level |
Doctoral level |
Other(s), specify : __________________________________________________________ |
Professional objectives of program :
Training of professionals in archival sciences and/or records management |
Training of technicians in archival science and/or records management |
Training of managers in archival science and/or records management |
Other(s), specify : ________________________________________________________ |
General objectives of the program. Please annex pertinent documentation.
Archival corpus covered in the program
ž Current records |
ž Semi-current records |
ž Historical records |
Laws, regulations and standards governing the program. Please annex any available documentaiton related to these aspects.
Accreditive body, if any, and procedures used :
Number of students enrolled in program in the current year (1997-1998) :______________
Duration of program full-time study: ___________________________________________
Level of previous education required : __________________________________________
Length of pratical experience required :_________________________________________
Foreign language(s) required, other than language of instruction :
Computer knowledge required :______________________________________________
Other requirement(s) :_____________________________________________________
Selection precess of candidates :
ž Dossier |
ž Competition |
ž Interview |
ž Other(s), specify : _________________________________________________ |
In general, proportion of contact hours dedicated to :
____ % classes |
____ % case studies |
____ % practical activities |
____ % laboratory activities |
____ % special instruction |
____ % conferences |
____ % visits |
____ % other(s), specify :___________________________________________________ |
Evaluation processes used :
Oral examinations |
Exercices |
Written examinations |
Case studies |
Papers |
These |
Other(s), specify : ________________________________________________________ |
Evaluation process for in-service training :___________________________________________
Specific name of diploma granted :_______________________________________________
National certification organization, if applicable :_____________________________________
Number of graduates of the program for the last five years (1993-1997) : __________________
Total number of study hours and credits required for completion of program:
______ hours |
______ credits |
Approximate percentage of program (totalling 100) dedicated to each of the following :
_____ % Subjects related to archival science |
_____ % Subjects related to other information sciences |
_____ % General subjects (e.g. : history, law ) |
Joint core syllabus with a study program related to other discipline. Which discipline ?
Please annex a detailed course list containing, as far as possible, the following items: course title, course description, number of hours or credits and name of instructor.
Mode, number and duration of in-service training offered :
Mode |
Number |
Duration |
Obligatory |
___________ |
___________ |
Optional |
___________ |
___________ |
Type(s) of research activities performed by students :
Methodology course |
Master's thesis |
Research seminar |
Doctoral dissertation |
Research paper |
Other(s), specify: _______________________ |
Type(s) of products generated from these research activities:
Research papers |
Finding aids |
Theses |
Conferences |
Other(s), specify: ___________________________________________________________ |
Methods of dissemination used for the products of these activities:
In-house reports |
Report tabled with archival institutions |
Journal articles |
Monographs |
Communications as colloquiums, seminars, etc. |
Other(s), specify: ___________________________________________________________ |
Number of hours dedicated withhin the program to research activities :________________
Thanks for your collaboration
Professor Carol Couture | |
École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information | |
Université de Montréal | Telephone : (514) 343-6119 |
C. P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville | Fax : (514) 343-5753 |
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7 CANADA | Electronic mail : |
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