Marie-Pierre Sylvestre, PhD
Fr | En

Research interests

Most of my work focuses on the physical and mental health of adolescents as well as their consumption of substances such as tobacco and cannabis.

Funded grants (as principal investigator or co-principal investigator)

2017-2019 A prognostic tool for regular cannabis use among youth: A precursor to lowering cannabis-related cancer risk.
Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) Innovation Grant.

2017-2019 Graphical Models and Mendelian randomization to characterize and validate grip strength as well as other measures of frailty in cardiovascular disease (With co-PI Mark Keezer).
CIHR - Catalyst Grant: Analysis of CLSA Data.

2017-2019 Developing a large-scale, multidisciplinary platform for the study of comorbidities in Canada (with co-PI Mark Keezer).
Programme interne du continuum de recherche du CRCHUM (sur concours).

2017-2019 Depressive symptoms in adolescence: The independent and interactive influences of genetics and physical activity over time (with co-PI Jennifer Brunet).
CIHR – IHDCYH Operating Grant, Analysis of Existing Cohorts .

2016-2020 Determinants of individual blood pressure trajectories in adolescents (IP: MP Sylvestre, co-IP Jennifer O’Loughlin).
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

2016-2018 Lifecourse approach to study the development of lifestyle risk factors for cancer.
Cancer Reseach Society.

2015-2019 Continuation of the Nicotine Dependence in Teens (NDIT) Study to Age 30 (IP: Jennifer O’Loughlin, co-IP MP Sylvestre).
Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute.

Centre de recherche du CHUM
Health Innovation and Evaluation Hub
Tour Saint-Antoine, room S02.458
850, Saint-Denis st.
Montréal (Québec) H2X 0A9
Département de médecine sociale et préventive
École de santé publique
Université de Montréal
P.O. 6128, succ. Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7
(514) 343-6111, ext. 52174