
See also: Alexander Bainbridge's Caucasus bibliography (

Lectures sur le Caucase en français et en anglais (liste partielle)

Aharonian, Avétis. 1913 (1980). Les anciennes croyances arméniennes. Parenthèses, 1980 [thèse].
Akiner, Shirin (1986) Islamic peoples of the Soviet Union. London: KPI.
Allen, W. E. D. A history of the Georgian people. London: Kegan Paul, 1932.
Altstadt, Audrey L. (1992) The Azerbaijani Turks: Power and Identity under Russian Rule. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press.
Bennigsen, Alexandre and S.E. Wimbush (1986) Muslims of the Soviet Empire. A Guide. Bloomington: Indiana U Press.
Bennigsen, Alexandre (1967) “The problem of bilingualism and assimilation in the North Caucasus.” Central Asian Review, vol. XV, no. 3, pp. 205- 211.
Bennigsen, Alexandre et Chantal Lemercier-Quelquejay. 1986. Le soufi et le commissaire. Les confréries musulmanes en URSS. Paris: Seuil.
Bennigsen, Alexandre and Chantal Lemercier-Quelquejay (1964) Islam in the Soviet Union, Geoffrey Wheeler, trans. London: Pall Mall Publishers.
Benet, Sula. 1974. Abkhasians: the long-living people of the Caucasus. NY: Holt, Rinehart.
Blanch, Lesley. The sabres of paradise. (tr. fr. Les sabres du Paradis.) [DK 511 D2 B5312]
Broxup, Marie Bennigsen, éd. 1992. The North Caucasus barrier. The Russian advance toward the Muslim world. NY: St. Martin’s Press.
Burney, Charles and Lang, D. M. 1972. The peoples of the hills: Ancient Ararat and Caucasus. London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson.
Byhan, Arthur. 1936. La civilisation caucasienne. Paris: Payot.
Charachidzé, G. 1960. Travail et mort dans la montagne géorgienne. L’Ethnographie 54: 45-62.
Charachidzé, Georges. 1968. Le système religieux de la Géorgie païenne: analyse structurale d’une civilisation. Paris: Maspero.
Charachidzé, Georges. 1971. Introduction à l’étude de la féodalité géorgienne: le Code de Georges le Brillant. Paris: Librairie Droz.
Charachidzé, Georges. 1979. L’aigle en clé d’eau: un exemple d’inversion conservante. La fonction symbolique. Michel Izard & Pierre Smith, eds. Paris: Gallimard, pp 83-104. [English translation in Between belief and transgression: Structuralist essays in religion, history and myth].
Charachidzé, G. 1981. “Géorgie. La religion et les mythes des Géorgiens de la montagne.” Dictionnaire des mythologies et des religions des sociétés traditionnelles et du monde antique. (ed. Yves Bonnefoy). Vol 1, pp 451-459. [Paris: Flammarion].
Charachidzé, G. 1981. “Arménie. La religion et les mythes.” Dictionnaire des mythologies et des religions des sociétés traditionnelles et du monde antique. (ed. Yves Bonnefoy). Vol 1, pp 67-69. [Paris: Flammarion].
Charachidzé, G.. 1981. “Caucase du Nord.” Dictionnaire des mythologies et des religions des so-ciétés traditionnelles et du monde antique. (ed. Y. Bonnefoy). Vol 1, pp 129-132. [Flammarion].
Charachidzé, G. 1981. “Les Ossètes.” Dictionnaire des mythologies et des religions des sociétés traditionnelles et du monde antique. (ed. Y. Bonnefoy). Vol 2, pp 215-218. [Paris: Flammarion].
Charachidzé, G. 1986. Prométhée ou le Caucase. Paris: Flammarion.
Charachidzé, G. 1987. La mémoire indo-européenne du Caucase. Paris: Hachette.
Chenciner, Robert. 1997. Daghestan: Tradition and Survival. Londres: St. Martin’s Press. (McGill DK511 D2C48 1997)
Chenciner, Robert. 1999. Madder Red. Londres: St. Martin’s Press.
Colarusso, John. 1984. “Parallels between the Circassian Nart sagas, the Rg Veda and Germanic mythology” in South Asian horizons, I: Culture and philosophy (V. S. Pendakar, ed.) [Ottawa: Canadian Asian Studies Association]; pp 1-28.
Colarusso, John. 1985. “Affinities of the Northwest Caucasian Nart sagas” [paper presented at the second Conference on the Cultures of the Caucasus, Univ. of Chicago, May 1985]
Colarusso, John. 1987. “Some interesting women of the Circassian Nart sagas: Lady Tree and Amazon, the Forest Mother” [paper presented at the third Conference on the Cultures of the Caucasus, Univ. of Chicago, May 1987]
Colarusso, John (1984) Epic, North Caucasian: the Narts. The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet Literatures, Harry B. Weber (ed.), vol. 7, pp. 1-14. Gulf Breeze, Florida: Academic International Press.
Colarusso, John (1991) Circassian Repatriation. The World & I, November, vol. 11: 656-669.
Dragadze, Tamara. 1988. Rural Families in Soviet Georgia. Routledge, London.
Dumézil, G. 1930. Legendes sur les Nartes. Paris: Champion.
Dumézil, Georges (1965) Le livre des héros: légendes ossètes sur les Nartes. Paris: Gallimard.
Dumézil, Georges (1978) Romans de Scythie et d’alentour. Paris: Payot.
Geiger, Bernhard, et al. (1959) Peoples and Languages of the Caucasus. The Hague: Mouton.
Golden, Peter (1983) “The Turkic Peoples and Caucasia,” in Ronald Grigor Suny (editor) Transcaucasia: Nationalism and Social Change. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications.
Grigolia, Alexander (1939) Custom and Justice in the Caucasus: The Georgian Highlanders. Dissertation, U. of Pennsylvania [2ème impression, AMS Press, New York (1980)].
Holisky, D. A. “The rules of the supra or how to drink in Georgian” Annual of the Society for the Study of the Caucasus #1, 1989.
Henze, Paul B. (1990) The North Caucasus: Russia’s Long Struggle to Subdue the Circassians. Santa Monica, California: The Rand Corporation.
Hewitt, B. G., ed. 1998. The Abkhazians: A Handbook. Londres: St. Martin’s Press. (McGill DK34 A2A25 1999)
Hoogasian-Villa, Susie and Mary Kilbourne Matossian. 1982. Armenian Village Life Before 1914. (Wayne State University Press, Detroit)..
Il Caucaso: Cerniera fra culture dal Mediterraneo alla Persia (Secoli IV-XI). Spoleto, 1996. recueil d’artciles sur le Caucase médiéval, en français, anglais, italien, allemand.
Keun, Odette. 1923. Au pays de la toisin d’or. Paris: E. Flammarion. [DK 511 G44 K48]
Lang, David Marshall (1966) The Georgians. Praeger, New York.
Luzbetak, Louis. 1951. Marriage and the family in Caucasia. Vienna: St Gabriel’s Mission Press.
Minorsky V., and Lang, D. M. (1956) “Laz”. Leiden: New Encyclopaedia of Islam.
Moses, Larry W. (1984) “Chechen-Ingush,” in Richard V. Weekes (editor) The Muslim Peoples: a World Ethnographic Survey. 2nd ed. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
Mouradian, Claire. 1990. De Staline à Gorbachev, histoire d'un république soviétique: l'Arménie. Paris: Éditions Ramsay.
Nichols, Johanna. 1985. Some parallels in Slavic and Northeast Caucasian folklore. [ms. UC Berkeley. Read at 2nd Cultures of the Caucasus conference — U Chicago]
Pereira, M. (1971) East of Trebizond. London.
Rayfield, Donald. 1994. The literature of Georgia: A history. Oxford University Press.
Suny, Ronald G. 1988. The Making of the Georgian Nation. Indiana University, Bloomington.
Suny, Ronald G. 1983. Armenia in the Twentieth Century. (Scholars’ Press, Chico, California)
Tuite, K. 1994. An anthology of Georgian folk poetry. Cranbury, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Press.
Walsh, Harry H. (1984) “Azeris,” in Richard V. Weekes (editor) The Muslim Peoples: a World Ethnographic Survey. 2nd ed. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
Wixman, Ronald (1984) “Daghestanis.” The Muslim Peoples: a World Ethnographic Survey. 2nd ed., edited by Richard V. Weekes. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, pp. 212-219.
Wixman, Ronald (1980) Language Aspects of Ethnic Patterns and Processes in the North Caucasus. Chicago: University of Chicago Geography Department, Research Paper # 191.
Wixman, Ronald. (1984) “Circassians,” in Richard V. Weekes (editor) The Muslim Peoples: a World Ethnographic Survey. 2nd ed. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
Wixman, R. (1984) The Peoples of the USSR: An Ethnographic Handbook. Armonk.: Sharpe.


Annual of the Society for the Study of the Caucasus (histoire, culture)
Revue des études géorgiennes et caucasiennes (linguistique, littérature, culture)
Georgica (linguistique, archéologie, histoire, culture — en allemand)