Did they ever suffer from a car crash? The car they were in stumble down
the stairs? Or did they ever miss the curve in that big rally you organized?
Or worse, a drunk minifig hit that peaceful couple riding in the jeep of your
conception? None survived.
is time to act!
I devised an appliance to protect the lives of your lovely one, so that no
one ever suffer from such a tragedy: The seat belt for minifig now exist!
This wonderful result of the modern technology will surely save many
minifig's lives.
Make your minifig happy: protect their lives!

Note however that it is less safe on lateral crash.
According to
regulations, it has been tested on humans.
We are now working on security appliance for the younger. Come take a look
as new development will be made available right here as soon as testing will
be finished. Pat. pending.