Curriculum Vitae





FrŽdŽric Gosselin
DŽpartement de psychologie
UniversitŽ de MontrŽal
C.P. 6128, succ.
MontrŽal QC
H3C 3J7 Canada
Phone: (514) 343-7550
Fax: (514) 343-2285

Date of Birth: 10 January 1972
Citizenship: Canadian





January 2016: Visiting Professor, University of Glasgow, UK

August-December 2015: Visiting Researcher, The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute

June 2014-present: Professeur titulaire (Full Professor), UniversitŽ de MontrŽal

February-March 2012: Visiting Associate in Psychology, Caltech

February-March 2010: Visiting Associate in Psychology, Caltech

February-March 2009: Visiting Associate in Psychology, Caltech

February-March 2008: Visiting Professor, Laboratoire Psychologie Perception

September 2007-September 2008: Visiting Associate in Psychology, Caltech

June 2006-June 2014: Professeur agrŽgŽ (Associate Professor), UniversitŽ de MontrŽal

March-September 2006: Visiting Professor, UniversitŽ Catholique de Louvain

August 2005: Visiting Associate in Psychology, Caltech

June 2001-June 2006: Professeur adjoint (Assistant Professor), UniversitŽ de MontrŽal





2006: Habilitation ˆ Diriger les Recherches (HDR), France

1996-2000: Ph.D. Psychology, University of Glasgow, UK

1994-1996: M.Sc. Psychologie, UniversitŽ de MontrŽal, Canada

1989-1993: B.A. Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada





Journal articles (h-index ³ 38; google scholar profile)


92. Caplette, L., Ince, R. A. A., Jerbi, K. & Gosselin, F. (submitted). Disentangling presentation and processing times in the brain.


91. Caplette, L., Gosselin, F., Mermillod, M. & Wicker, B. (submitted). Real-world expectations and their affective value modulate object processing.


90. Caplette, L., Gosselin, F. & West, G. (submitted). Object expectations alter information use during visual recognition.


89. Lene, P., Ouerfelli-Ethier, R., Laurin, A.-S., Gosselin, F. & Zein Khan, A. (submitted). Changes in eye movement parameters in the presence of an artificial central scotoma.


88. Royer, J., Blais, C., Duncan, J., Gosselin, F. & Fiset, D. (submitted). Optimal and natural viewing positions in face identification.


87. Willenbockel, V., Gosselin, F. & , M. L. H. (submitted). Spatial frequency tuning for indoor scene categorization.


86. Faghel-Soubeyrand, S., Dupuis-Roy, N. & Gosselin, F. (in press). Inducing the use of right eye enhances face-sex categorization performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. [pdf]


85. Dupuis-Roy, N., Faghel-Soubeyrand, S. & Gosselin, F. (2019). Time course of the use of chromatic and achromatic facial information for gender discrimination. Vision Research, 157, 36-43. [pdf]


84. Tardif, J., Morin Duchesne, X., Cohan, S., Royer, J., Blais, C., Fiset, D., Duchaine, B. & Gosselin, F. (2019). Use of face information varies systematically from developmental prosopagnosics to super-recognizers. Psychological Science, 30, 300-308. [pdf; supplemental material]


83. Royer, J., Blais, C., Charbonneau, I., DŽry, K., Tardif, J., Duchaine, B., Gosselin, F. & Fiset, D. (2018). Greater reliance on the eye region predicts better face recognition ability. Cognition, 181, 12-20. [pdf]


82. Blais, C., Fiset, D., Roy, C., Saumure RŽgimbald, C. & Gosselin, F. (2017). Eye fixation patterns for categorizing static and dynamic facial expressions. Emotion, 17, 1107-1119. [pdf]


81. Caplette, L., Wicker, B., Gosselin, F. & West, G. (2017). Hand position alters vision by modulating the time course of spatial frequency use. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146, 917-923. [pdf]


80. Cumyn, M. & Gosselin, F. (2017). Les catŽgories juridiques et la qualification : une approche cognitive. McGill Law Journal, 62, 329. [pdf]


79. Duncan, J., Cobarro, C., Gosselin, F., Dugas, G., Blais, C., & Fiset, D. (2017). Orientations for the successful categorization of facial expressions and their link with facial features. Journal of Vision. 17(14):7, 1–16, doi: 10.1167/17.14.7 [pdf]


78. Gosselin, F. & Faghel-Soubeyrand, S. (2017). Stationary objects flashed periodically appear to move during smooth pursuit eye movement. Perception, 46, 874-881. [pdf; movies 1, 2, and 3]


77. Royer, J., Willenbockel, V., Blais, C., Gosselin, F., Lafortune, S., Leclerc, J. & Fiset, D. (2017). The influence of natural contour and face size on the spatial frequency tuning for upright and inverted faces. Psychological Research, 81, 13-23. [pdf]


76. Tardif, J., Fiset, D., Zhang, Y., EstŽphan, A., Cai, Q., Luo, C, Sun, D., Gosselin, F. & Blais, C. (2017). Culture shapes spatial frequency tuning for face identification. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43, 294-306. [pdf]


75. Caplette, L., Wicker, B. & Gosselin, F. (2016). Atypical time course of object recognition in autism spectrum disorder. Scientific Report, 6, 35494, doi:10.1038/srep35494. [html, pdf]


74. Lafontaine, M.P., Lacourse, K., Lina, J.-M., McIntosh, A.R., Gosselin, F., ThŽoret, H., & LippŽ, S. (2016). Brain signal complexity rises with repetition suppression in visual learning. Neuroscience, 326, 1-9. [pdf]


73. Ramon, M., Busigny, T., Gosselin, F. & Rossion, B. (2016). All new kids on the block? Impairment of holistic processing of personally familiar faces in a kindergarten teacher with acquired prosopagnosia. Visual Cognition, 24, 321-355. [pdf]


72. Roy, C., Blais, C., Fiset, D. Rainville, P., & Gosselin, F. (2015). Efficient information for recognizing pain in facial expressions. European Journal of Pain, 19, 852-860. [pdf]


71. Royer, J., Blais, C., Gosselin, F., Duncan, J., & Fiset, D. (2015). When less is more: Impact of face processing ability on recognition of visually degraded faces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41, 1179. [pdf]


70. Caplette, L., West, G.L., Gomot, M., Gosselin, F. & Wicker, B. (2014). Affective and contextual value modulate spatial frequency use in object recognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 512, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00512. [html; pdf]


69. Dupuis-Roy, N., Fiset, D., Dufresne, K., Caplette, L. & Gosselin, F. (2014). Real-world interattribute distances lead to inefficient face gender categorization. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40, 1289-1294. [pdf]

68. Morin Duchesne, X., Gosselin, F., Fiset, D. & Dupuis-Roy, N. (2014). Paper features: A neglected source of information for letter recognition. Journal of Vision. 14(13):11, 1–19,, doi: 10.1167/14.13.11 [pdf]


67. Blais, C., Arguin, M. & Gosselin, F. (2013). Human visual processing oscillates: Evidence from a classification image technique. Cognition, 128, 353-362, [pdf]


66. Clark, C. M., Gosselin, F. & Goghari, V. M. (2013). Aberrant patterns of visual facial information usage in schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122, 513-519. [pdf]


65. ƒthier-Majcher, C., Joubert, S. & Gosselin, F. (2013). Reverse correlating trustworthy faces in young and older adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 592. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00592. [html; pdf]


64. Lafontaine, M. P., ThŽoret, H., Gosselin, F. & LippŽ, S. (2013). Transcranial direct current stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex modulates repetition suppression to unfamiliar faces: An ERP study. PLoS ONE 8(12): e81721. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0081721. [html; pdf]


63. Poirier, F. J. A. M., Gosselin, F. & Arguin, M. (2013). Subjectively homogeneous noise over written text as a tool to investigate the perceptual mechanisms involved in reading. Journal of Vision, 13(11):14, 1–19,, doi:10.1167/13.11.14. [pdf]


62. Roy, C., Fiset, D., Taschereau-Dumouchel, V., Gosselin, F. & Rainville, P. (2013). A refined examination of the facial cues contributing to vicarious effects on self-pain and spinal responses. The Journal of Pain, 14, 1475-1484. [pdf]


61. Tadros, K., Dupuis-Roy, N., Fiset, D., Arguin, M. & Gosselin, F. (2013). Reading laterally: The cerebral hemispheric use of spatial frequencies in visual word recognition. Journal of Vision, 13(1): 4, 1-12,, doi:10.1167/13.1.4. [pdf]


60. Willenbockel, V., Bacon, B.A., Lepore, F. & Gosselin, F. (2013). The informational correlates of conscious and non-conscious face-gender perception. Journal of Vision, 13(2):10, 1-14,, doi: 10.1167/13.2.10. [pdf]


59. Blais, C., Roy, C., Fiset, D., Arguin, M. & Gosselin, F. (2012). The eyes are not the window to basic emotions. Neuropsychologia, 50, 2830-2838. [pdf]


58. Poirier, F. J. A. M., Gosselin, F. & Arguin, M. (2012). Clouds are not normal occluders, and other oddities: More interactions between textures and lightness illusions. Journal of Vision, 12(1):21, 1-22,, doi:10.1167/12.1.21. [pdf]


57. Smith, M.L., Gosselin, F., & Schyns, P.G. (2012). Measuring internal representations for behavioral and brain data. Current Biology, 22, 191-196, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2011.11.061. [pdf; supplementary information]


56. Spezio, M.L., Loesch, L., Gosselin, F., Mattes, K, & Alvarez, R. M. (2012). Thin-slice decisions do not need faces to be predictive of election outcomes. Political Psychology, 33, 331-341, doi:10.1111/j.1467-9221.2012.00897.x. [pdf]


55. Willenbockel, V., Lepore, F., Nguyen, D.K., Bouthillier, A., & Gosselin, F. (2012). Spatial frequency tuning during the conscious and non-conscious perception of emotional facial expressions—an intracranial ERP study. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 237, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00237. [html; pdf]


54. Gosselin, F., Spezio, M.L., Tranel, D. & Adolphs, R. (2011). Asymmetrical use of eye information from faces following unilateral amygdala damage. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6, 330-337. [pdf]


53. Lee, J., Gosselin, F., Wynn, J. K., & Green, M. F. (2011). How do schizophrenia patients use visual information for decoding facial emotion? Schizophrenia Bulletin, 37, 1001-1008. [pdf]


52. Prime, D., Dell'Acqua, R., Arguin, M., Gosselin, F. & JolicĻur, P. (2011). Spatial layout of letters in nonwords affects visual short-term memory load: Evidence from human electrophysiology. Psychophysiology, 48, 430-436. [pdf]


51. Wang, H. F., Friel, N., Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2011). Efficient bubbles for visual categorization tasks. Vision Research, 51, 1318-1323. [pdf]


50. Butler, S. M., Blais, C., Gosselin, F., Bub, D. & Fiset, D. (2010). Recognizing famous people. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72, 1444-1449. [pdf]


49. Collignon, O., Girard, S., Gosselin, F., Saint-Amour, D., Lepore, F. & Lassonde, M. (2010). Gender differences in the multisensory processing of emotion expressions. Neuropsychologia, 48, 220-225. [pdf]


48. Taschereau-Dumouchel, V., Rossion, B., Schyns, P. G. & Gosselin, F. (2010). Interattribute distances do not represent the identity of real-world faces. Frontiers in Psychology, 1, 159, 1-10, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2010.00159. [html; pdf; alignTools]


47. Willenbockel, V., Fiset, D., Chauvin, A., Blais, C. Arguin, M., Tanaka, J., Bub, D. & Gosselin, F. (2010). Does face inversion change spatial frequency tuning? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 122-135. [pdf]


46. Willenbockel, V., Sadr, J., Fiset, D., Horne, G., Gosselin, F. & Tanaka, J. W. (2010). Controlling low-level image properties: The SHINE toolbox. Behavior Research Methods, 42, 671-684. [pdf; SHINE]


45. Blais, C., Fiset, D., Jolicoeur, P., Arguin, M., Bub, D. & Gosselin, F. (2009). Reading between eye saccades. PLoS ONE, 4(7), e6448, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0006448. [html; pdf]


44. Dupuis-Roy, N., Fortin, I., Fiset, D., & Gosselin, F. (2009). Uncovering gender discrimination cues in a realistic setting. Journal of Vision, 9(2):10, 1-8,, doi:10.1167/9.2.10. [pdf; stimuli; icon; press; Illusions of Sex]


43. Fiset, D., Blais, C., Arguin, M., Tadros, K., ƒthier-Majcher, C., Bub, D. & Gosselin, F. (2009). The spatio-temporal dynamics of visual letter recognition. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 26, 23-35. [pdf; movies]


42. Hammal, Z., Arguin, M., & Gosselin, F. (2009). Comparing a novel model based on the transferable belief model with humans during the recognition of partially occluded facial expressions. Journal of Vision, 9(2):22, 1-19,, doi:10.1167/9.2.22. [pdf]


41. Perron, R., Lefebvre, C., Gosselin, F., Arguin, M. & JolicĻur, P. (2009). Attentional and anatomical considerations for the representation of simple stimuli in  visual short-term memory: Evidence from human electrophysiology. Psychological Research, 73, 222–232. [pdf]


40. Predovan, D., Prime, D., Arguin, M., Gosselin, F., Dell'Acqua, R. & Jolicoeur, P. (2009). On the representation of words and nonwords in visual short-term memory: Evidence from human electrophysiology. Psychophysiology, 46, 191-199. [pdf]


39. Schyns, P., Gosselin, F., & Smith, M. L. (2009). Information processing algorithms in the brain. Trends in Cognitive Science, 13, 20-26. [pdf]


38. Smith, M. L., Fries, P., Goebel, R., Gosselin, F.,  & Schyns, P. G. (2009). Feature-driven decomposition of brain measurements—a novel approach to interpreting MEG brain activity during categorization tasks. Cerebral Cortex, 19,2428-2438. [pdf]


37. Belin, P., Fillion-Bilodeau, S. & Gosselin, F. (2008). The ŅMontreal Affective VoicesÓ: a validated set of nonverbal affect bursts for research on auditory affective processing. Behavior Research Methods, 40, 531-539. [pdf; database]


36. Chamandy, N., Worsley, K.J., Taylor, J.E. & Gosselin, F. (2008). Tilted Euler characteristic densities for Central Limit random fields, with application to ŌbubblesÕ. Annals of Statistics, 36, 2471-2507. [pdf]


35. Collignon, O., Girard, S., Gosselin, F., Roy, S., Saint-Amour, D., Lassonde, M. & Lepore, F. (2008). Audio-visual integration of emotion expression. Brain Research, 1242, 126-135. [pdf]


34. Fiset, D., Blais, C., ƒthier-Majcher, C., Arguin, M., Bub, D. & Gosselin, F. (2008). Features for uppercase and lowercase letter identification. Psychological Science, 19, 1161-1168. [pdf; Grainger et al.Õs Review in TICS, pdf]


33. Simon, D., Craig, K. D., Gosselin, F., Belin, P. & Rainville, P. (2008). Recognition  and discrimination of prototypical dynamic expressions of pain and  emotions. Pain, 135, 55-64. [pdf; related cover]


32. Poirier, F. J. A. M., Gosselin, F. & Arguin, M. (2008). Perceptive fields of saliency. Journal of Vision, 8 (15): 14, 1-19,, doi:10.1167/8.15.14.


31. Smith, F. W., Muckli, L., Brennan, D., Pernet, C., Smith, M. L., Belin, P., Gosselin, F., Hadley, D. M., Cavanagh, J. & Schyns, P. G., (2008). Classification images reveal the information sensitivity of brain voxels in fMRI. NeuroImage, 40, 1643-1654. [pdf]


30. Dupuis-Roy, N. & Gosselin, F. (2007). Perceptual learning without signal. Vision Research, 47, 349-356. [pdf; figure 1, corrected]


29. Gibson, B., Lazareva, O. F., Gosselin, F., Schyns, P. G. & Wasserman, E. A. (2007). Non-accidental properties underlie shape recognition in mammalian and non-mammalian vision. Current Biology, 17, 336-340. [pdf; press; Nielsen & RainerÕs Dispatch in Current Biology, pdf]


28. Smith, M. L., Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2007). From a face to its category via a few information processing states in the brain. NeuroImage, 37, 974-984. [pdf; NeuroImage: Cognitive Neuroscience Editors Choice Award 2008]


27. Taylor, J. E., Worsley, K. J. & Gosselin, F. (2007). Maxima discretely sampled random fields, with an application to ŌbubblesÕ. Biometrika, 94, 1-18. [pdf]


26. Fiset, D., Gosselin, F., Blais, C. & Arguin, M. (2006). Inducing letter-by-letter dyslexia in normal readers. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 1466-1476. [pdf; demo]


25. Humphreys, K., Gosselin, F., Schyns, P. G., & Johnson, M. H. (2006). Using ŅBubblesÓ with babies: A new technique for investigating the informational basis of infant perception. Infant Behavior & Development, 29, 471–475. [pdf]


24. Joyce, C., Schyns, P. G., Gosselin, F., Cottrell, G. & Rossion, B. (2006). Early selection of facial diagnostic information in the human visual cortex. Vision Research, 46, 800-813. [pdf; cover]


23. Smith, M. L., Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2006). Perceptual moments of conscious visual experience inferred from oscillatory brain activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103, 5626-5631. [pdf; cover proposal; press]


22. Adolphs, R., Gosselin, F., Buchanan, T. W., Tranel, D., Schyns, P. G. & Damasio, A. R. (2005). A mechanism for impaired fear recognition after amygdala damage. Nature, 433, 68-72. [pdfsupplementary information; cover (nth proposal); press; VuilleumierÕs News & Views, pdf]


21. Caldara, R., Rossion, B., Mayer, E., Smith, M., Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2005). Does prosopagnosia take the eyes out from faces?  Evidence for a defect in the use of diagnostic facial information in a single-case. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,17, 1-15. [pdf]


20. Chauvin, A., Worsley, K. J., Schyns, P. G., Arguin, M., & Gosselin, F. (2005). Accurate statistical tests for smooth classification images. Journal of Vision, 5 (9), 659-667,, doi:10.1167/5.9.1. [pdf; Stat4Ci; icon; Erdšs number ² 5, via Keith J. Worsley]


19. Doucet, M.-E., Gosselin, F., Lassonde, M., Guillemot, J.-P. & Lepore, F. (2005). Developement of visual-evoked potentials to radially modulated concentric patterns. NeuroReport, 16, 1753-1756. [pdf; stimulus]


18. Gibson, B. M., Wasserman, E. A., Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2005). Applying Bubbles to localize features that control pigeonsÕ visual discrimination behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 31, 376-382. [pdf]


17. McCotter, M., Gosselin, F., Sowden, P. & Schyns, P. G. (2005). The use of visual information in natural scenes categorization. Visual Cognition, 12, 938-953. [pdf]


16. Smith, M., Cottrell, G., Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2005). Transmitting and decoding facial expressions of emotions. Psychological Science, 16, 184-189 [pdf; stimuli]


15. Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2004). An image is worth thousands of trials: Rendering the use of visual information from spiking neurons to recognition. Cognitive Science, 28, 141-146. [pdf]


14. Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2004). No troubles with Bubbles: A reply to Murray and Gold. Vision Research, 44, 471-477. [pdf; Murray & GoldÕs article, pdf; their reply to our reply, pdf]


13. Gosselin, F., Bacon, B. A. & Mamassian, P. (2004). Internal surface representations approximated by reverse correlation. Vision Research, 44, 2515-2520. [pdf]


12. Smith, M. L., Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G., (2004). Receptive fields for flexible face categorizations. Psychological Science, 15, 753-761. [pdf]


11. Vinette, C., Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2004). Spatio-temporal dynamics of face recognition in a flash:  ItÕs in the eyes! Cognitive Science, 28, 289-301. [pdf; website]


10. Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2003). Superstitious perceptions reveal properties of memory representations. Psychological Science, 14, 505-509. [pdf]


9. Schyns, P.G., Jentzsch, I., Johnson, M., Schweinberger, S. R., & Gosselin, F. (2003). A principled method for determining the functionality of ERP components. NeuroReport, 14, 1665-1669. [pdf]


8. Bonnar, L., Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2002). Understanding Dali's Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire: A case study in the scale information driving perception. Perception, 31, 683-691. [pdf]


7. Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2002). RAP: a new framework for visual categorization. Trends in Cognitive Science, 6, 70-77. [pdf]


6. Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2002). You are about to see picturial representations! [Commentary on Z. PylyshynÕs target article] Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 25, 191-192. [pdf]


5. Lamontagne, C., Gosselin, F. & Pivik, R. T. (2002). Sigma smooth pursuit eye tracking:  constant k values revisited. Experimental Brain Research, 143, 130-133. [pdf]


4. Schyns, P. G., Bonnar, L. & Gosselin, F. (2002). Show me the features! Understanding recognition from the use of visual information. Psychological Science, 13, 402-409. [pdf]


3. Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2001). Bubbles: A technique to reveal the use of information in recognition. Vision Research, 41, 2261-2271. [pdf; shop; other users]


2. Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2001). Why do we SLIP to the basic-level? Computational constraints and their implementation. Psychological Review, 108, 735-758. [pdf; see also my Ph.D. thesis, pdf]


1. Gosselin, F. & Lamontagne, C. (1997). Motion-blur illusions. Perception, 26, 847-855. [pdf; high-res figures]



Special issue


1. Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (Eds.) (2004). Rendering the use of visual information from spiking neurons to recognition. Special issue of Cognitive Science, 28, 141-301. [erratum; participants: J. M. Gold, pdf;  P. J. Bennett; A. B. Sekuler; F. Gosselin, pdf; C. Vinette, pdf; I. Biederman; M. Mangini, pdf; C. Olman, pdf; D. Kersten; D. Ringach, pdf; J. Sadr, pdf; R. Shapley; P. Sinha; P. G. Schyns; P. U. Tse, pdf]



Book chapters


6. Caplette, L., McCabe, E., Blais, C. & Gosselin, F. (2018). Categorization of objects, scenes, and faces through time. In C. Lefebvre & H. Cohen (Eds.) Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science.


5. Fiset, D. & Gosselin, F. (2009). LÕinformation visuelle efficace pour la reconnaissance des visages. In Barbeau, E., Jouvert, S., & Felician, O (Eds.). Traitement et reconnaissance des visages: du percept ˆ la personne, (pp. 143-164). Paris: Solal. [pdf]


4. Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2005). Bubbles: A userÕs guide. In L. Gershkoff-Stowe & D. H. Rakison (Eds.) Building Object Categories in Developmental Time (pp. 91-106).  Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. [pdf]


3. McCabe, E., Blais, C. & Gosselin, F. (2005). Effective categorization of objects, scenes, and faces through time. In C. Lefebvre & H. Cohen (Eds.) Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science (pp. 767-791). Amsterdam: Elsevier. [pdf]


2. Schyns, P. G. & Gosselin, F. (2003). Diagnostic use of scale information for componential and holistic recognition. In M. A. Peterson & G, Rhodes (Eds.) Perception of faces, objects, and scenes.  Analytic and holistic processes (pp. 120-145). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [pdf]


1. Gosselin, F., Archambault, A. & Schyns, P. G. (2001). Interactions between taxonomic knowledge, categorization, and perception. In U. Hahn & M. Ramscar (Eds.) Similarity and categorization (pp. 225-256). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [pdf]





8. Dupuis-Roy, N. & Gosselin, F. (2011). The Simpler, the Better: A New Challenge for Fair-Division Theory. Proceedings of the XXXVI Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. [pdf]


7. Dupuis-Roy, N. & Gosselin, F. (2009). An empirical evaluation of fair-division algorithms. Proceedings of the XXXIV Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. [pdf]


6. Leclerc, J., Okada, T., Yokochi, S., Gosselin, F. (2008). Transitions, analogical processes, and expertise in contemporary art: A detailed case study. Proceedings of the XXXIII Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.


5. Hammal, Z., Kunz, M., Arguin, M. & Gosselin, F. (2008). Spontaneous pain expression recognition in video sequences. BCS International Academic Conference 2008 – Visions of Computer Science, 191-210. [pdf]


4. Leclerc, J. & Gosselin, F. (2006). ACE: A Model of the Cognitive Strategies of a Contemporary Artist. Proceedings of the XXXII Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. [pdf]


3. Leclerc, J. & Gosselin, F. (2004). Processes of Artistic Creativity: The Case of Isabelle Hayeur. Proceedings of the XXX Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 801-806). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. [pdf]


2. Archambault, A., Gosselin, F. & Schyns, P. G. (2000). A natural bias for the basic-level? Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 60-65). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. [pdf]


1. Stewart, A. & Gosselin, F. (2000). Treating anaphor resolution as a categorization problem.  Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. [pdf]





STOIC [pdf]












Laurent Caplette

ValŽrie Daigneault

Simon Faghel-Soubeyrand

Rose-Marie Gervais

Jean-Maxime Larouche

Paul Lene

Jessica Tardif




Benoit Bacon

Caroline Blais

Colin Boudrias-Fournier

Alan Chauvin

Alexandre Cou‘t-Garand

Naddley DŽsirŽ

Nicolas Dupuis-Roy

Catherine Ethier-Majcher

Daniel Fiset

Solne Fourdain

Paul Khayat

Zakia Hammal

ƒric McCabe

Xavier Morin Duchesne

FrŽdŽric Poirier

Cynthia Roy

Sylvain Roy

Karine Tadros

Vincent Tascherau-Dumouchel

CŽline Vinette

Verena Willenbockel

Lucia Zhang



(Last update: August 2019)